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 Aug 2014 Mariève D
Winter Silk
I guess it has to rain
For flowers to grow.
I guess the more you are insane,
more of yourself you'll know.

I guess we must know how to cry
To recall happiness when it's gone.
I guess our love had to die,
So that my heart can live on.
But love is a cycle,
an end creates a beginning.
I’m falling again.
The falling where
my mind wallows
with my heart
till they combine
and the pressure
becomes too much,
so it leaves me numb.
will be the end of both you and me
sometimes I wonder
where my mind went but then I
forget I lost it
 Aug 2014 Mariève D
I know that the clo-
ser I get to you, the hard-
er I fall apart.
not eating lunch. not until he gets his head out of his ***
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