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I miss you so bad
My chest hurts everyone I think of you
I broke down and cried and I couldn't stop
It just hurt so bad
And I know I should be grateful because I get to see you
But I can't when the dull ache in my chest won't go away
I ******* hate this
I feel so weak
But I love you
 Apr 2016 Marie Darling
just a leaf left
on the pillow next to me
now, a whisper of smoke
vapor tracing your path

out the door
going back to the
limb I stole you from,
the place you must return

I rake my bed for more,
try to make
a place
for you to fall

again, next time.
The easiest way to break your heart is to think everyone feels love the same way you do.
Another thought that came to me in the middle of the night, I'm gonna be posting more of my midnight thoughts, it's soothed me.
 Apr 2016 Marie Darling
I lost myself today
Have you maybe seen me?
I got lost in the crowd of
who they want me to be

I lay awake in bed
Perhaps I'll start to feel
Dreams are all I have
to know that I'm still real

A spear blows through my chest
Again I start to fall
I scream for help once more
But no one hears my call

Where do I go now
that I'm behind this wall?
Everyone I trust
leaves me lost after all

The walls are closing in
My chains cut deeper still
The echoes start to scream
They go in for the ****

The voices seem to say
"The truth will set you free"
The only one to save myself
has always been me

If I could go back now
and carry what I've learned
I'd find myself again
to try and stop the hurt.
"What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away in the end"

my sort of tribute to the wonderfully heart wrenching "Hurt"
I look into the mirror, but who do I see?
I don't understand, that surely can't be me?
Twisted,odd, chained and not free.
The face looking back looks very lonely.

They look lost, confused if you'd like,
In a way confused, unsure of their life.
They seem to have endured so much, but I am only young.
Is this a future that I can outrun?

The face is too skinny,the hair way too long.
This cannot be me, surely it's wrong?
He looks so regretful, like he's lost the will to live.
Or maybe society has changed him, almost put him through a sieve.
I found him shattered
From life battered
I lent a helping hand
I tried to understand
He picked up a crystal
Used it as a pistol
Left me bleeding as well
Farewell love, farewell
April 20th, 2016
I wish I could be normal.
I feel so ****** up sometimes.

I can't even be there for you...
In a social setting because people overwhelm me.

You say it's fine and not to be sorry.
You say I should do what makes me feel comfortable.

I feel stuck in between.
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