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Mardonét Sep 2015
They hold so many secrets and have seen so much pain.
They have stared into the eyes of lovers and have felt the hurt of being betrayed.
They have gone through sleepless nights filled with so many tears,
And they have had the pleasantest dreams,  oblivious of what is real.

"Oh,  Blue Eyes,  why all the confusion?
Why all the pain?
Why are you struggling to let go
Of the one that got away?"

She is strong and yet she's vulnerable,
She's a little bit of everything.
She is whole and she is broken,
She's a little bit complicated.

She's just a girl trapped inside her own mind,
Caught between who broke her and whom she is breaking.
She's just a girl trapped inside her own heart,
Incapable of not feeling...

"Oh,  Blue Eyes,  why all the confusion?
Why all the pain?
Stop holding on,  it will soon go away.. "
Mardonét Nov 2014
There was once this girl
Who met a guy
Who shook her world
From left to right

Little did she know of the impact
Of the drug she allowed into her life

She started to use,
Never wanting to stop.
The addiction got so bad
That soon- he became the only thing she knew.

The touch of his fingers on her body,
His breath on her skin,
It awoken feelings inside she didn't quite understood.
But she kept on using,
Because it felt oh, so good.

Then one day that drug ran out
And she went bezerk.
She became so lost,
That she didn't recognize herself.

Oh, how she craved him.
Oh, how she longed.
Never in her life
Had she cried that much.

She tried to recover on her own-
Refused to go to rehab,
Because maybe he'll come back,
At least then she could use again.

Months went by
And still she cried.
Tired of being broken and lost
"Could someone please help me, could someone just..."

It got so bad that when she looked at herself
She'd drown in those two deep oceans of blue.
Only then did she realize that she was never the one using,
But the one being used..

Just wondering....
  Nov 2014 Mardonét
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but one of these days
i'll have nothing
left to give
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