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  Nov 2014 Mardonét
V Anna
When you told me,
"Please don't leave baby, stay with me.."
My body was just a tool,
For you to ***** with.

When you told me,
"I promise I won't fall for anyone else.."
I etched that in my heart
Believing that I'll never be replaced.

When you told me,
"She's just a friend, I'm just helping her.."
Pretending I'm fine
Vomiting your words.

When you told me,
"It's just not the same anymore.."
I tried everything to make you stay,
And I found out later it was her, all along.
  Nov 2014 Mardonét
as i say this by myself
i know i mean it
but it's not just the appeciation of myself
i say it as a promise
there's more in my heart than love for people i know
and lingering feelings for those of the past
i say 'I love you' as a promise
an expectation of future love
i can feel my broken heart healing inside me
it's opening again
ready for new people
getting ready to let them in
my heart is beating on the capability of love
and someone will come around
to let me make him happy
Mardonét Oct 2014
Here's to the guy who made me fall in love with a lie.
Who painted me pictures of our future together with his words.
With whom I've spent hours with over the phone- our little fantasy bubble- in the comfort of our own homes.
Who then after months of empty promises, still never showed.

Here's to the **** who couldn't understand the word "no".
The guy who infested a little girl's world
And in the blink of an eye, changed everything she knew.
Who made her grow up, faster than she ever wanted to.

Here's to the guy who gave me my first kiss.
Who briefly showed me what love is.
The guy who was my Romeo, and I, his Juliet
The guy who broke my heart by falling in love with my best friend.

Here's to the ******* ******* who said he loved me just so he can have one thing.
The guy who I gave everything to because I thought that everything he said was true.
The guy who will forever be part of my life because of one stupid ******* night.

Here's to me who went through every one of these ******* and is still able to breathe.
Who've spent hours crying and over thinking things that can't be undone.
Who still blames herself, more than anyone, for everything that has been done.
Who seeks forgiveness and redemption, because it hurts too **** much to handle everything on my own.

Here's to the lucky guy who will get to have me, because he will have someone loyal, someone caring, someone who'll love him with her entire being.
Who will know everything there is to know about me, but will still love me for me.
Who will kiss away my tears and fill my heart with his laughter.
Who will show me that there is such a thing as happily ever after.
Who will have me strive to be the best possible woman ever.

Mardonét Oct 2014
There's a sadness in her eyes of blue
The kind that makes a heart break in two,
Pieces of heart all over the floor
She's been here too many times before.
While he is off with someone new
She still cries and writes a song or two.
She's a lonely girl with lots of friends,
Some are real and some just pretend
That they care no matter what she does.
But she's a little closed down on love
Because it always gets the best of her
Leaving her and leaving it all a blur.
She will keep the doors closed for now
Until someone comes along and breaks it down..
  Oct 2014 Mardonét
tell me someone will love me
fully clothed

tell me someone will love me
with blood on my hands

tell me someone will love me
shaking, trembling, convulsing

tell me someone will love me
when they're searching for gold and i am rustic bronze

tell me someone will love me
with veins ripped apart

tell me someone will love me
with a starved stomach and empty eyes

tell me someone will love me
when i am dying

i'm asking you
//please love me//
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