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Makayla Jordan Aug 2019
i can't **** myself yet
because I refuse to die a ******
a ****** it is
Makayla Jordan Aug 2019
u hurted my heart
gave me little boo boos
in disguise for kisses
had me beggin for mama
u hurted my heart
and I pretended like it was fine
Makayla Jordan Jul 2019
ga ga gimme
that anastasia(?)
(oh!) anesthesia
maybe it would numb the
(numb what)
the pain
(what pain ur unscathed)
left on my mind by YOU
Makayla Jordan Jul 2019
my heart hurt
and i pressed on it
and on it i pressed
to see if it would numb the pain
but instead it left a bruise
the bruise it left
Makayla Jordan Jul 2019
when we touch I see the dark tar on your skin seep into mine and still forget to remove my hand
Makayla Jordan Jul 2019
it's hard to open the door when i don't know if there's tigers lions and bears awaiting my arrival
Makayla Jordan Jul 2019
it's so hard to come out of the hole i'm in because it's 6 feet deep and i'm locked in a box with 2 tons of dirt on my chest.
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