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Maggie Georgia Dec 2016
If your heart is cold
and your head is empty
what else is there to love
Except your measly complexion?
Maggie Georgia Dec 2016
Love freely
Love loud
Love boldly
Loud proud
Love happy
Love sad
Love freaking out
in the black of night
i lay awake
how i ever got to this state
this state of mind
this feeling
of overwhelming consciousness
listen to me
i'm screaming
no words
no sounds
come out of my mouth
i am screaming
unable to gasp for air
slowly but surely
i fall
unable to get back up
reaching hopelessly
hoping someone
will grab me
but no one is in sight
no one is near
for i pushed everyone
far far away
i am the only one here
Maggie Georgia Dec 2016
The brave mc.naught fought like he ought
Only to find out he's become what he's not
The question he's sought
Can be found deep in thought
But that memory
That moment
that rot in his lot
Is gone like mc.naught
a feather in distraught
Maggie Georgia Dec 2016
My heart aches but cannot
My eyes wonder but cannot
My lips yearn but cannot
My hands brush but cannot
My stomach flips but cannot
My tears flow they cannot be

— The End —