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Everyday I walk around.
I don't understand what I'm seeing.
There is Stardust in my eyes.
It's fogged up my sight.
I see how everyone is the same.
With their Ugg boots, North Face Jackets,
iPhones, and Coach bags.

Just take off your empty frames and,
Get Stardust in your eyes.
See things through a vivid light.
Get Stardust in your eyes,
Be yourself and don't conform.
Get Stardust in your eyes,
And let your colors shine.

I thought I was weird.
With my off brand cloths,
And no internet on my phone.
With my black eyeliner,
And my rhythmic soul.
But my eyes are burning,
I'm exhausted from hiding.
I am who I am.

I've got Stardust in my eyes.
I see things through a vivid light.
Get Stardust in your eyes.
See the world as it really is.
Get Stardust in your eyes,
Be yourself and don't conform.
Get Stardust in your eyes,
And let your colors shine.

Be yourself, you Are unique.
With Stardust in your eyes, you see.
Don't follow the robot hipster army.
Get Stardust in your eyes,
And Shine!
Originally written as lyrics

Stardust™  By Nadia DeLevea
I am the flower
that longingly awaits
the next storm
that will bring
his love
and make it
rain down
on my delicate
petals while
washing away
all of my pain.
My eyes cry out dead flowers.
Each petal is wet on the cold ground,
laying there oh so very proud.
I could stare at them for hours.

There is beauty in rotting things
Can't you see?
There is beauty in old meanings
Even if they make you bleed.
 Jun 2014 Lupe Orozco
Take me my darling
take me my love
take me
I've never been before.
Take me my love
take me my darling
to a world
of make believe
where I can be you
you can be me
where surrender
is a victory
screams are whispers
"I love you".

Take me my darling
take me my love
give me all you know
ever knew.
Where we both have paid our dues.
have nothing to lose.
No more silence
no more rouge
masks are started a new
when I am kissing you.

Give me a circle
give me a square
give me a triangle
make me a dare
to face that fear.

Take me my darling
take me my love
take me on a voyage
leave me

The sheets
are on the windows
protect  the night from rising
take me my darling
take me
Miracles escapes your lips in the form of poetry,
And though kisses would also be pretty,
Nothing captivates me more,
Than when your soul,
Pours out of you like liquid misery.
A river of soul and history,
Do me the honor and quench my thirst.
Allow me to see you at your internal worst,
Because Externally and Internally,
All I see is beauty.

There is nothing more captivating than,
Blood ink and calligraphy.
As your words seeps into my skin
Imprinting on my mental cavity like tattoos from within,
A brand of paper that never gets old,
Sometimes its so intense, truth be told,
I hear you,
Even when your thoughts berate you into stunned silence.

Sometimes I just want to reach out and,
Grab onto the illusions that I store in that
Pandora's box in my mind,
Saving every bit of your broken perfection.
Your voice attack my emotions like an infection,
I become more battled-scared than I already am,
But I will endure your blood wars as much as I can,
Only a poet will know.
I exist only because of prose,
And pain, love and foes.
 Jun 2014 Lupe Orozco
Tark Wain
What if aliens existed?
what if Ufo’s flew so fast that if we blinked we’d miss it?
what if we do not know of their presence
because we was
excuse me we were
not looking in the right place
what if you as well as I were an alien life?
together we would travel the galaxies
like pieties
striving for peace
with no reprieve
but what if aliens did not exist?
(maybe the better question)
The notion that we are alone on this abyss
that it’s 7 billion strong against
unimaginably long miles of what we know as just space
where human thoughts such as distance and time hold no place
but why think a thought so daunting
and instead ask
What if aliens existed?
 Jun 2014 Lupe Orozco
Unaware I walk this Earth
An Aura shields the soul
Soft music on forever flows
A Spirit as dark as coal
I now see a beautiful light
Realized what I should have
Here, my purpose is unknown
Somewhere else, my existence is sown.
Tell me how
since letters, texts, and calls are never enough

Tell me why
the distance between us could separate us apart

Tell me where
the exact point where you stay in the congcrete jungle where dreams are made up

Tell me why
you live in New York and I live in another city left behind

Tell me how
to tell you that I love you even we've never seen each other in person

Tell me how
to send you boxes of letters and words from a city that left behind to a city with inspiring big lights

Think I've tried
to make it work out but it just couldn't

Think I've tried
to spend the same horizons as you

Think we've tried
to make us work but we just couldn't

Think I've tried
to tell you that I love you but you just didn't
For an amazing guy that I met last year, who lives in New York-even now-, John J Miller.
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