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 Mar 2015 lowlow
The coefficient of my sadness
Is greater than the square root of my madness.
My thoughts are quadratic,
My actions are enigmatic;
My aim is to perplex,
Now all I have to do is solve for x.
 Mar 2015 lowlow
Quantum Love
 Mar 2015 lowlow
I'm a simple electron.
And, although I have my quarks,
It's usually a persona I don,
Pretending I enjoy meaningless talks.

See, I was once in a pair,
With a fellow electron.
And, although it was difficult to bear,
The laws of physics ultimately won.

The closer we got,
The more we repelled.
When she was ionised, it hurt a lot,
She left, regardless of how much I held.

She soon paired with another,
Leaving me to start a bond.
It was my emotions I tried to smother,
Of myself, I was certainly not fond.

For a while my thoughts were scattered,
My emotions being forced up and down.
But none of that really mattered,
As I soon met another who would invert my frown.

You see, she was a blinding photon,
And when we met, she certainly did excite me...
And, just like my friend the boson,
I hope you don't take this lightly.

She perked me up a couple of energy levels,
Until she pulled me out of my shell.
Now, together, we're quantum rebels,
I'm a simple electron, and this is the story I tell.
All puns are intentional.
 Mar 2015 lowlow
Have you ever ran your fingers
across bumps of Braille on a door sign?

Ever wonder what it's like to be informed by
a language you can't hear but feel?

I can imagine

When I read the contours of your body
the ***** of your cheeks or the valleys
your hip bones leave behind

When I find joy just sitting next to you
eyes gazing into mine, without words
I sense the stories you're telling

Secrets only we know, an understanding
tongues couldn't share on their own

Alone together

We were made for one another
like the gears in a clock

I touch your inner workings
and tiny moving parts

We are interlocked and spinning
yet still we run out of time

Separated but in sync
our hearts beat harder
for each mile in between

What other communication do we need
when we are tethered together
like two kites on one string

But for everyone seeing this
who can only read about being
the reason you're smiling

I'll translate the feeling into Braille too
so they understand
how it feels
to love you
 Mar 2015 lowlow
Kelly Rose

Sadness takes hold
it's grasp is just
too hard
to break*

 Mar 2015 lowlow
 Mar 2015 lowlow
If each star is a wish
then the heavens are
illuminated by dreams.
Each one is lovely,
dancing gracefully
in the sky until it
comes true.
Then it falls down
to earth,
back to the mind that
first created it,
to wait for rebirth.
The ones that don't
come true
continue their eternal dance,
giving hope to the one who
put it there,
reminding them to
*never stop reaching for
the stars.
 Mar 2015 lowlow
Michaela Ferris
When you notice me staring into nothingness,
Do not call me back,
I am trying to imagine a better day.

When you see me write incoherent words,
Do not ask me for their meaning,
I am trying to make sense of these thoughts inside my head.

When you see my nails sink into my arms,
Do not tell me to stop,
I just long to feel something that's not emptiness.

When you see me tugging at my clothes,
Do not ask me why,
I am just nervous of what people may think of me.

When you see me walking alone,
Do not come to my side or try to reach me,
I'm just trying to calm myself down.

If you ever see marks or bruises on my body,
Do not ask what has happened
Because I do not know myself.

If you ever see cuts or scars on my arms,
Do not pretend you know how it feels,
I'm not looking for your sympathy, I just need a release.

If you ever see my body tremble,
Please do not ask me why,
I am willing myself to just stop and breathe.

If you ever see me rocking myself,
Please do not make your jokes,
I just need to feel comforted at times.

If I ever arrive late,
Do not ask me where I have been,
I was busy trying to control the urges.

If I ever seem distant with you,
Please do not ask me what I'm thinking,
I am probably just wanting to disappear.

If I ever say I do not care,
Do not be fooled,
I am just probably tired of hearing these 'jokes'.

If I ever make a mess of things (like usual),
Do not yell at me or make me feel small,
I will clean up my mistakes, it just takes time.

If I ever hurt you,
Do not hate me,
Sometimes I just forget how to act.

If I ever cry on your shoulder,
Do not be uncomfortable,
It just means I am comfortable with you.

Please do not ask me if I am okay
Because I am never okay.
I am just surviving.

Please do not try to figure me out,
I am only human,
I just like secrets.

Please do not try to hug or touch me,
It makes my skin crawl,
I am not used to that touch.

Please do not try to comfort me,
Its not helping.
Just stay within reach, stay quiet,
Empty your mind of doubt.

If I'm ever crying or just being dumb
And I tell you to leave me alone,
Don't...I'm just too scared to admit I need you.
I need you to hold me when I feel so broken.
 Mar 2015 lowlow
David Hall
Two strangers on a midnight ride
underneath the moonlight pale.
Two strangers who just by chance
are passing in the night.

One smile, one glance
a subconscious movement of the heart.
Two strangers just with flashing eyes
share a lifetime in one look.

The road between them gathers miles
their destinations leagues apart.
Two strangers shared a midnight love
that will live forever in their heart.
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