I can't tell you everything.
But you should be able to
Tell me
No. Not this.
People see me as an annoyance anyway,
I'm sorry you met me.
Tell me.
No I can't.
You hate when I talk to you,
Honest and open,
Claiming my opinions are a product of
My childhood.
Maybe, but I think not.
You've never walked where I stood.
I don't want to,
But I will.
You think I react like everyone else
You know.
But I don't. I can't.
Because I feel their pain--
YOUR pain too.
I know it sounds crazy, but I know
More than I should, and feel
What never happened to me.
I'm going crazy huh?
That's it? That's stupid.
Every time you only ever
I'm going to drink now.
I hate me...sorry you need to put up with me.