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 May 2014 jennifer
4 AM fragments
 May 2014 jennifer
4 AM is the only hour
when I will ever allow myself the luxury
of crying for you. This reservoir of brine
I have dried into desertland painstakingly, siphoning
the smallest tears from their ducts,
has suddenly sprung up again, surprising
overwhelming everything-
April 29, 2014
 May 2014 jennifer
patience (10w)
 May 2014 jennifer
They say
your face
will fade
with time.

I'm waiting.
I don't get this whole 10w thing well enough to do it, but I'm playing with it anyway.
May 1, 2014
4:59 PM
 May 2014 jennifer
Violet Hooper
I had another dream about you
it felt more like a memory
it wasn't about anything new
just the things you used to say to me
and the way your hair looked when you'd wake
and the rough part of your hands that would always shake

I had another dream about us
but I don't think we were in love
I think.
 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
and I know
I said I’d be better
and I would
do more,
but honestly,
everything is
falling apart
and I have no
to catch the
broken pieces;
I don’t have
the patience
to tend to the cuts
on my hands
after fumbling
with shards
of my broken
and I’m
losing pieces of
my mind
every single
I’m so scared;
nothing makes sense
and I don’t even
want to be here
 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
I wage war
That's never been seen before
Is sanity worth fighting for?
I'm not really sure

A calamity?
I call it individuality!

Who is Society
To create this hypocrisy?!?
It seems like such a tragedy
To waste such ingenuity
To dull the creativity
 May 2014 jennifer
When I can't remember what I've
told you, know
I have spoken truths, and
spontaneous ones
at that. The words I mean most
are the ones I have planned least.
April 20, 2014
3:45 PM
edited May 8, 2014
 May 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
Nobody can age without
Making mistakes
So I know that we're both
Destined to change
The soles of our shoes
Have grown side by side
But someday you'll go left
And I'll turn right
Memories are fallible
But they can't be replaced
And I'll use this faulty camera
To hold onto pictures of your youthful face
And no matter how much happens
No matter if we say goodbye
I will always remember you
You'll always be nearby
Because you're like Midas
With you, I felt like gold, loved and unpriced
This gold mine heart will linger
With your touch my whole life
I feel like my ability to accurately title my poems has declined greatly. If you have any suggested titles for any of my poems, please tell me. :) This poems for my Nicholas, of course.
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