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 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
And people wonder why I struggle to sleep
My answer
I forgot how to count sheep
After the night you sliced up my dreams and threw me into relentless nightmares.
 May 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
You deserve more
Than what this world
Could ever give to you
And trust me,
If I could take your pain
And suffering
And make it my own
I'd do it in a heartbeat
Because you are more beautiful
Than Michelangelo's David,
And you turned this pessimist
Into a believer in humanity
And you've turned this atheist
Into a believer of angels
Because what else could you be?
And you make me wish there was More
Because I want more for you
Because every time my ears against
Your chest
It reminds me
That when it comes down to it,
You're just human
And no human can escape oblivion
But you deserve so much better
Because it's amazing
That there are 7 billion people
But when we're together,
I only see you
And I hope you only see me
 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
I thought I could live through
this. I can live through this,
and I will. But small reminders

of how much I loved you burn long
after I think I'm fine. We
crumbled then, we fell

apart, but these stones are
too heavy for me to lift
alone and there is no one to help

me try and rebuild us. In that absence
I will try and rebuild myself

and ignore the holes left over when you
are no longer here, when I
scan myself and find myself lacking.
April 9, 2014
5:44 PM
edited May 1, 2014
 May 2014 jennifer
Jackson fox
This love this hate that no nose can escape I'm dangling with my fate surrounded by caution tape, meanest scene they ever saw blood Splattered all over the wall 2 corpses found dead this man must of gone awol, Bodies all over the scene blood red apples that used to be green why do people got to be So mean? ******* galore hordes of bodies under the floor boards head count increasing 23 to 4 score, scars all down my arms teachers seem alarmed but the ones they don't see cause the most harm, Bodies all over the scene blood red apples that used to be green why do people have to be so mean? Hope the parents see I'm sorry but at school it's one kid against a army a pack of wolves that try to harm me treated like a carny a freak even when I dont speak that's there response to me trying to be unique....
 May 2014 jennifer
Now look at this face
       Do you remember this smile?
           I wore it for you.
Appreciate feedback

Sort of a haiku, not a proper theme and not descriptive.
 May 2014 jennifer
Give me rest before I fight again
I beg a moment's peace.
It's too soon to brawl my friend
My hearts not yet at ease.

The recent wounds are still too sore
I crave her presence still.
I'm not yet ready to wage this war
For the last one left me ill.

I cannot fight again so empty
I'm drained from a war of romance.
I want no other to try and tempt me
I was happier in her trance.

These others hold no appeal to me
They haven't her charm or looks.
What we had was chemistry
The kind only found in soppy love books.

For any other
I will not care
Or dote
Or laugh at their jokes.

For any other
I will not want
Or trust
Or look at with lust.

For any other
I'll not accept
The love from their hearts
For she has left mine in shards.
Appreciate feedback
 May 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
 May 2014 jennifer
Theia Gwen
It's so easy
To slice through those
Writs of yours;
It's so easy
To make an excuse
Not to eat;
It's so easy
To smoke yourself
To death;
It's so easy
To open your mouth
And purge your problems away;
But it's so hard
To open your mouth
And speak
Not my best. I've been having writer's block when it comes to poetry and my depression has just come back full force so I've been doing more sleeping than anything else.
 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
Your glances in my direction
are ants under my shell-
they tingle and make me more aware
of every inch of my skin
and just when I think they are teasingly flirty
they bite.
Trying something new.
April 7, 2014
1:43 PM
edited May 1, 2014
 May 2014 jennifer
 May 2014 jennifer
I should have learned never
to rely on you. You are
the water left behind when
the ice that is
my terra forma has melted
again, when nothing is solid
enough hold me. And yet
sometimes I just need
someone. Until I remember
being around you leeches air from
my lungs until I
am left gasping
at my stupidity, having forgotten
yet again
I can't swim.
March 5, 2014
11:16 PM
edited May 1, 2014

Something old I forgot about
 Apr 2014 jennifer
Winston Lee
Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Street
by Winston Lee & Enigmuse

Thoughts: they careen through my head like
cars in the midst of rush hour. I search for
one car in particular. My head is the foundation

of an unconstructed civilization, and I find myself
to be a tourist in the depths of my own mind. I
know all too well how easy it is for others to get lost

in the enigmatic chaos that is my head but I won’t
lose you. I am nothing, compared to the blinding lights
and insistent, blaring sounds, all warring for your attention.

I wander the streets with the sad, distant thought
that maybe I’ll glance up and find your headlights
slicing through the grey overcast. I’d even settle

for the looming red glow of your pretty, quiet
tail lights. But I know you’re long gone and your
lights are long out. The sad and beautiful part about

my mind is that I’m trapped here. And I believe I’d
still be searching for you, even if I didn’t want to. I’m
am a slave to my own thoughts, I am in love

with my mind’s creations. And while I’m well aware that
you are but a figment of my infinite imagination, I will do
everything I can to continue to believe in you.

I am merely a second of time, while you’re the hours
the days and the weeks; I am only for a moment and
you seem like an eternity. The people I pass on the street

know something I don’t - everyone seems to have
figured out how to live with their demons, while mine
like to play keep-away with my sanity. They look a lot like

you. Every time you cross my mind it sounds a lot like
contorting metal and the shrieks of pedestrians. I suppose
we’ve got a lot in common with a car crash.
by Winston Lee & Enigmuse
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