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Kyra Dec 2014
I swear he cares about me
or at least for me
in the most little sense possible
but it's good enough

I swear his golden heart loves me
or at least hopefully
He keeps a lot of names in that heart of his
Maybe my name has a tiny space in it
but it's good enough

I swear the lyrics he writes are about me
or at least I'm the background girl
who tries and fails to be the main chorus
but it's good enough for me

I swear I'm in love with him
but he doesn't show his feelings like he used to
It's good enough for me
because I know what it was like to be the good in his life
but now, there's another girl in my shoes
and it's good enough for me
because at least he's happy
7:07pm / kc
Kyra Dec 2014
3 rare things that are at your doorsteps

Love; People love you. Even if it may not seem like it. But you my friend, need to love yourself before you love anyone else. Fall in love with living and you'll have the key to everything

Happiness; Enjoy the little things.
Enjoy watching the sun rise with your cup of coffee
Enjoy the cool crisp sheets of your bed after a long day
Enjoy a stranger's smile
Enjoy handwritten smiles
Enjoy yourself

Beauty; Life is beauty. Beauty is life.
Don't focus on the big picture, notice the things inside of you
Notice the butterflies in your stomach, don't ignore them
Notice your unwanted dimple and the dark freckles in your eyes
Notice your warm smile and know that someone enjoys it, and looks forward to seeing it
You are unique
You have beauty
*You are beauty
Kyra Dec 2014
Clattering of paws on the hardwood floors
I'll never forget the sound

Your big brown adorable eyes
I'll never forget the beauty

Your sloppy wet kisses all over my cheek
I'll never forget the love

Before I knew my ABC's you were there for me
& tonight we were by your side
just like you were for us for all this time
as you ran towards the light
I knew it was right

You'll forever be
my dearest greatest friend
Rest in Paradise to my forever best friend [12/9/14]. You've been through so much in your dog days. Through three moves to different houses, three graduations, a new dog friend, and watching me transform to a kindergartner to a high school student.
I'll love you forever, Darcy.
Kyra Dec 2014
There's an angel in your dreams
but it's not me

There's a girl who's wearing your shirt off her back
and has the pleasure to wake up next to you

She will make you coffee
the way you hate it
and will end up taking your cologne

You'll write songs about her
hating yourself at night
thinking why and how
did you end up this way

The one song you treasure the most about this mess
is the one that is filled with lies
and doesn't resemble her at all
Because it's me who you've been writing about all along

And you'll text me late at night
when you're feeling lonely
Know that I won't respond
because this is my song
telling you that I'm saying *goodbye
11:53pm/Dec.8.14/ k.c /
Kyra Dec 2014
Fall in love with living
before you give anyone your all

There will be days where your hair won't be the way you want it
and that's okay

You're going to have nights where you will scream into your pillow
sobbing why me, why me,
and that's okay

Perhaps you will come home, and realize you're in love with someone
with the same gender as you
and that's okay

You're going to make mistakes and make bad decisions
and you'll learn from them, and that's okay

There will be nights where studying will take a toll on you
and that's okay

You're going to make it
You're going to do just fine in this world
You're going to be okay
I don't want kids at all, but if I ever do, here's a letter to them.
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