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 Jul 2014 Emily
eunsung aka Silas
anxiety is another form of fear
that keeps me frozen
 Jul 2014 Emily
you took me
to a lovely garden
long ago,
and told me i was beautiful

you kissed my hair
just as the sun rose
the intensity of our lost love

every inch
every crevice of me
loved you
missed you.

you were my infinite stars
cast on the midnight terrain
you lit up the world
just for me

a sweet scent of lavender
permeated through the garden
you said
it was the thousands of lilacs
blooming for me

you kissed my hair
leaving behind
a sweet scent
to caress me

thanks for 1k views on reflection! i love you all and i love suggestions! :)
 Jul 2014 Emily
Olivia Kent
 Jul 2014 Emily
Olivia Kent
I feel luck stroking my face,
a soothing summer breeze descends,
I'm simmering slowly at the lowest heat.
From my window,
at the end of Tuesday,
I see today's daylight,
it's dying slowly,
the peaceful death of a fire filled day.
so relieved to rest and relax.
The skyline stands,
it's dazzling,
a realm of tree shaped silhouette shadows,
almost a different world out there.
belief that tranquil moments are captured,
More beautiful as the garden cools,
virtual silence,
apart from a slight buzz of humming background traffic,
a duet in almost perfect rhythm by train lines performing their dutiful roles.
The slight noise hovering in the atmosphere makes me aware that life exists out there,
and it's hiding in the perfect twilight.
(C) Livvi
 Jul 2014 Emily
Elizabeth Squires
on the forest floor
the dappled shadows did play
on that summer's day
 Jul 2014 Emily
Release your soul to the sky above


The snake in the grass eats the silver lined dove

Maybe someone can help me explain this...
I saw this in a dream, a clouded city in the sky.
Below, a silver dove was being eaten by a snake.
What does this mean?
 Jul 2014 Emily
Raphael Uzor
 Jul 2014 Emily
Raphael Uzor
Drowning in a tunnel of lies
Darkness floods my soul
Reaching up for my last breath
A glimpse of hope flickers
As the light of truth seeps through
Birthing a seed of life within death!*

© Raphael Uzor
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