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Do not shy away
From expressing your feelings
For they are true callings
From the heart waiting for audience
Samaritans are there
In the realm of your positive vibes
Your plea shall reach
Waiting to congregate at the place
Where all souls shall meet
Exchanging each other’s feelings
Emphatic chants of happiness
Shall reverberate everywhere
Outside your realm
True callings will impact the hearts
Which have forgotten to empathize
It’s the story of life and about God’s son.
It’s the Holy Scripture that I base my life on.
Quoting it daily, but reading it once a year.
Going to church every Sunday, but I'm still filled with fear.
Ego and ignorance clouds up my soul-
Not thinking about the future and what it’ll unfold
Anger fills me, but it’s the joy I resisted.
How would this world be if would of never existed
Money in my pocket
But no one to spend it on
Just expensive clothes and new game add-ons
Nothing to do but text and watch Netflix
Chillin’ with the older sis watching “Chick-Flicks”  
I’m just a kid trying to grow up too fast
Acting like my life is part of a show and I’m in the cast
I’m like a baby-
Trying to develop in two weeks
But I die because I'm too weak
I’m living past; I’m scared of proceeding
My heart is a flow of emotions with infinite bleeding
trying to love you without seeing you
is like catching the wind in my hands

holding out hope that you'll love me one day
is like pinning a wave to the sand
On days like these the sun refused to shine because of people like me. We would rain eternally on the inside trying to wash away the disloyalty and sadness. We walked on shards of glass to prove that we were indestructable, however, we are just as delicate as the very bottle itself.
I love my heart,
Every contradiction.
It's warmth, it's ice,
Its truth, its lies.
My dreams, my fears,
My love and tears.
My path, my past..
I just don't. know.
I reside too deep.

The sorry umbrella slumps sadly toward the ground.
It's body as cold as the wet night air.
The malleable aluminum handle, bent out of shape,
By the wind that's tossed it round,
To and fro like the arms of teenage kids,
And unsure of how else to rest,
With the metallic moonlight singing its melodic lullaby.

I'm the umbrella.
I've kept my demons,
In close proximity.
Because, let's be honest,
They're never far away.
I do what I must,
To keep them at bay.
Their constant urge.
The world turns,
From vibrant to gray.

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