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 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
They say that one is vulnerable
when they are in love

Yet why do I feel like
I'm indestructible
while I'm loving you?
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
I may have gone

        a little mad

                after you left.
10w poem. Inspired by a close friend of mine.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
let's not keep the grudge
on the back of our foes
with words and actions
that could cut like a knife
that has no handle
Experience has taught me that grudges are like cutting knives with no handle.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Your eyes
seem to hold
a little bit
of sadness
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Gentle winds had blown
A wind chime tinkling a song
For ears that can hear
I once had a wind chime given to me by my grandma. I loved it so much.
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Lonely was the poem she wrote
For the one she calls her downfall
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
Dear Joseph John,
I secretly loved you
With all of it clear and true
As the first made me cry
The second made me smile
And the first was my reality
While the second became my escape
And as I keep having to strive
For the second that kept me alive
I had begged to disagree
That the first is the death of me
 Apr 2016 Laxus
Death by Decoy
It's not yet night for her to sink
But she closed herself and sank
Like eyes that are too tired to blink
And gazing upon the muddy river bank,
Suddenly, there were ripples in the water
As she sinks down into the river bed
But there was not a single call from her
As if she let herself be led
By water currents she knew so well

Have you forgotten how to float?
Or are there no souls around to tell,
About silent screams with a sore throat?
Did your roots pull from the mud?
And the current strong enough to break it?
It's a tragedy of the tiny pink bud,
who once sat on the murky water of two feet,
Being swallowed whole into the water
and not once experiencing a genuine woo

Oh, lovely water flower,

....Did you regret it too?
This is for a dear person of mine who took away her own life. Please don't give up and think about killing yourself. The pain won't go away after you **** yourself, it will be passed on to the people who love you.

— The End —