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  Jan 2018 Lady Grey
True beauty within, layered under sin
With hearts that bleed the truth
when we remove our skin.
Vanity- sorry I haven't been posting lately an error in the website wouldn't let me add any new work :( I hope everyone is enjoying 2018 so far, edit- holy heck this made the daily thank you everyone for all you're support!! **
Lady Grey Jan 2018
dead dead dead                        

don’t look at me like that
don’t pierce me with your cruel eyes            
i don’t need you to see me like this            

cornered                                                       ­     
guts clenching with the cold hard guilt      
hiding behind a plastic smile      

dead inside                  

i say to myself
over and over                      

“Everything will be alright”                                

“Everything will be fine”                                    

but i’m hurtling through the dark murk
with the blinders on          
can’t see

dead dead                                                

i see my hands

my thin wrists
though not so much as my legs
(i try to hide my pain)      

i’m jumping from dream to shining dream            
i can’t stoop to smell the roses,
though they are quite pretty                        
i can’t make myself                    

can’t take my half closed eyes off the haze
for even a second          

i know you see me like this (as much as you can tell)
and i don’t like it                                                
look elsewhere

it’s none of your business anyway        

let me keep my own company
of plastic smiles                                        
and dead eyes          

and the cold hard twist
of the dagger of guilt in my stomach
Thoughts I have sometimes
Lady Grey Jan 2018
Stars are the world’s little nightlights
Gently twinkling
             In their own soft way,
Against the dark backdrop of the sky

Until you get closer.

Once you get closer to the stars,
They are much different

Swirling ***** of chaos and fire
Dancing waves of light and energy
Deadly and magnificent

Things to be admired
From afar
Lady Grey Jan 2018
sometimes i feel like i should empathize more with people.
sometimes i just don't feel
what i think i should be feeling.

i don't seem to get excited anymore.
when something good happens,
i find myself thinking,
why am i not happy?

i don't know the answer, of course,
i don't know why i'm like this,
i wish i wasn't.

but here we are,
and there's nothing to be done.

no reason to mope about the change
ill just have to deal with it,
Lady Grey Jan 2018
Superficial scars:
I've got loads. The deeper ones
are all internal
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