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I am so confused about what I need right now to be OK.
To get better, stop the bad habits and get healthy.
Maybe I only need some guidance and reassurance.
Maybe I need more.
Maybe old habits are just getting in the way.
Maybe I am just stupid  after all.
Maybe I don't actually deserve to know the difference.
Maybe I am scared to let myself be "OK"
because being in crisis mode is so familiar and I'm so used to it.
I have no idea what to think tonight.
You inspire me in more ways than one,
to bless the world with my thoughts
and write symphonies with my tongue
A fellow writer and friend you have deeply become
I thank you for your wisdom
and insightful teachings
and long conversations
and conceptual meetings
This connection we share is not of the norm, but from a divine intervention with the perfect intention to lead our creativity by storm
So take hold of my hand and let's sing the unsung!
For this is only the beginning;
our time is not done
I wrote this after having an awesome conversation with my friend Daniel Smith (aka freak morbidity). He is also a writer here on HP and be is INSANELY good. Please check him out if you have the time!

(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
Whenever someone asks you about yourself do you always know exactly what to say?

She always says " You have to tell me what you are thinking for me to understand," How can I when I don't even understand myself?
You are Bigger than my Life
Within you I struggle and Strive
In Faith I've followed to keep me Alive
From your watchful Protection
Not one Journey do I Question
I feel no loss, not one thing to Fear
I understand why You led me Here
To gain from my Efforts
Let there be no Mistakes
Your Reason for every Experience makes
No use in suffering painful Regrets
I honor each Experience as
I've grown for the Best.
With Faith in my corner, I have lived through much and been able to look back at the bigger picture of my life and see how each and every event was pertinent to how I got where I am presently, knowing the things I do, feeling the things I do, and Celebrating the Success of It all one moment at a time....One benefit is that it makes those rougher times more tolerable cause I understand there is reason behind it, just something I am probably not aware of at the time...
My heart is not a toy
Not there to be abused  
Nor for you to destroy
My heart is not amused

We've settled on a plan       
If you say it will be
If you say we sure can  
That isn't a maybe
My heart is not a toy
But living part within                    
My heart I redeploy
My patience grew too thin
 Jun 2014 elizabeth capital
The more roads we build
The more cliffs there are
The more cliffs there are
The more we can fall
The more the fall the farther we go
The farther we go the harder it is to come back
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