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 Feb 2016 N Paul
WendyStarry Eyes
Times she can't think
Of what she wants to say
Her memory has just drifted away

It drifts back to childhood memories
In times of younger ways
Clear as if it was, yesterday

What happened today all slips away
As if tomorrow will cease to be
Never ripen into a memory

Stuck in her youth
Where she longs to be
Sidestepping from pain of reality

A time when life was gloriously unknown
If only she could have abided in that state
Instead of getting ******!

Then deceit began to grow
For what would have birthed to wisdom
Turned into "I don't know"
Ignorance she could not let go

This brings us back
To what evoked today
Why she cannot
*Think of what she wants to say
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Stu Harley
Romeo and Juliet
seal their
covenant love
with a kiss
lover's quest
turn on
all of
the stars
take their
last breath
hornets bouncing off each other
mosquitoes flopping in the humidity
grass is high, enemy is low
knees eating mud, elbows pulling forward
hands covered in grime, grasping rifle
birds flutter, overhead
sudden gunfire
another language, echoing in the valley
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Earl Jane

The devils situate me in the dungeon,
In this pitch-dark  place,
Chains locked to my hands and feet,
I clamor at the top of my lungs,
But only my voice echoed,
And penetrated deep, deep within my soul,
A voice with dejection,
Tears gushed out from my eyes,
All swollen for hours and hours of crying,
My hopes almost diminish,
My prayers weaken,
This little faith lifted my chin up,
But my body is so worn out i can't hold it any longer,
Oh God please help me,
Please save me from here,
Then suddenly,
I passed out,
After awhile i feel two hands holding my face,
I opened my eyes,
But the light is too bright,
I can't see anything,
I close my eyes and listened to the wonderful voice talking marvelously to me,
It's a man's voice!
I open my eyes again and i see a man,
With all white clothes,
And a huge wings behind his back,
I was dumbfounded,
An angel!
Exhiliration enfold me,
And I started weeping silently,
My God answered me! He answered me!
He is my angel,
I slapped my face with my two hands,
I might be dreaming,
But no i am not,
This is totally true!
He stand me up,
I stand up with no troubles,
I was astounded,
No more chains, no more chains !!
I am free, i am free!
In my happiness i hugged him.

One second i was hugging an angel,
Another second I am hugging a man.

Oh, Wow!
That man is him,
The man who did all for me,
The man who saved me from my darkest place,
He took me out of that ghastly place,
And now I am in paradise with him,
He makes me happy all the time,
All the time,
He is always there for me,
Whether I am happy, sad or depress,
He is always there,
He inspires me,
He is my angel,
He help me overcome my demons,
He is my light here on earth,
His radiance shines brightly on me,
And I am beyond happy,
He comforts me,
He is my refuge,
I always have this hope to wake up each day 'cause I know, I know i am gonna see him,
He is my happiness,
My best friend,
The one I can always lean on to,
The one I can always trust,
His smiles are my daily dosage,
His laughs, his jokes are my daily medication.
His love is my supplication,
He is my all, my all,
I learn to extend my patience,
I learn how to be selfless,
He showed me a geniune love,
A love so  recherché,
He guides me to the right tract,
And hold my hand so tight and walk with me,
He protects me from bad,
He is my other half,
My preordained one,
My strong king,
What's the best thing in him is,
He pulls me closer to God,
I can't thank him enough for all he do,
He is so amazing to me,
How can i even deserve this?
God had been so good to me,
I am way so blessed,
I am so blessed,
I am gonna show him my love daily,
I am gonna be by his side always,
I am here waiting for him alone,
I am here to love him always,
I won't leave thee,
For you are preordained for me,
My love, my soulmate,
Ohhh goodness Lord,
I praise you oh Lord for all you do,
I thank you for all you have done for me,
I am so blessed Lord,
I am so blessed!

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love you so much my king!!! Happy hsppy 6 months!!! You are an amazining person!! I seriously wanna thank u for all you do,, for loving me, fpr being there for me, for your love & care thanm you for everything my king!!! Thank you a lot!! I love you most
 Feb 2016 N Paul
William Robinson
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Anemones are white
Sunflowers are yellow
Marigold are orange

This is not a love poem.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
AC Sayat
Author’s Note: Welcome to world of dreams turning into reality.

1. I always thought of becoming one of the *clouds
; how they’ll form with the other clouds different shapes and sizes. I always imagined how they’ll shade us from all the that we should’ve been feeling; how they’ll weep for the cooling sensation that we would feel. I always thought that every tear from my hard work will cool off my mind. I always dreamt of becoming a cloud; going through a cycle on and on. It seems so mysteriously wonderful. But as I seek them in the sky, it seems like, one isn’t there. Today, she’s here.

2. The sun always seemed like this hot blazing ball of gas and fire. I wish I was the sun; the center of the solar system. I wish I could always light up the world; support the moon to even brighten up the other side. But I guess I don’t need to be the sun; I found the sun. I found out that it lighted up my whole world. I found out that she is right here— beside me — always. I should’ve been burning right now but as I unravel more, the more I endure the burning sensation.

3. I always wondered what would I do if I was the wind. I wondered if I could cool off the whole atmosphere. I wonder how it feels to be mixed with different kinds of gases in the air. I wonder how it feels to be drifted apart by your own force. I want to be this need of humanity — of living species. I want to be the wind, nothing more, nothing less.

4. I always dreamt of becoming you. I want to feel how living life was in another persons perspective; how could I survive a day full of excitement and paranoia. I always wanted to feel how I’ll be acting as the sun to somebody’s life; how I’ll be the person lighting up lives. I always wondered if you were me, and if I were you. Will the wind change its direction? Will the clouds ever reverse its cycle? Will the sun set at an opposite direction? If we ever change our role in life, would we ever meet — even in our wildest dreams? I guess fate has to decide what our next step is… only fate.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
E A Bookish
In the heat of things there is not much choice

: Just touch me:

Hesitance and a surge of electricity
Removing barriers to skin
My mind is not my own, and,
I shiver in this,
A whisper at the corner of my mouth
Promising paradise:


-Keep singing Hallelujah in my navel-

And everything turns  on–
- Straining to reach
Bliss in the drowning
- Simmering whimpers

And we will not come out of this
Unscathed, unchanged tonight

-In the rush we hardly care-

:There is nothing but this;
Nothing but the urgent press
A tremble fighting mental violence
- And a soft caress
I would care for you
And I would feel your pain
And I would make it sit, and stay
Wrap my legs around your waist
Kiss torrents across your face
Ignore the consequence as
Troubles wash away with rain
Afterwards you ask me
If this has not all been a dream.
It has been a year
Since I was in a relationship
Where in I get to feel what you feel
When you are in one

A year has passed
Since I tried this thing called "dating"
Where it is nothing like
Being in a serious relationship

I tried and tried to be that person
Who is into dating but I realized
I am not, I am not that person
I always long for something permanent

Something that is serious
Where in you know what is bound to happen
Where in you feel settled inside of you
That this person is here to stay

However, a year has gone by
Yet, all of the people I have met or most of them
Would only long for other things
Either they are not ready or just not into it

This gave me the thought
That I was not lovable
That I was not enough
That I was not worth it

I guess you can say
That a year has gone by
That I have been shot down a couple of times
Getting my heart broken over and over

But I told myself to stop looking
And let love find me instead
Because that is how love should happen
It should surprise you when you least expect

So, here is to another year
Hoping not full with heart breaks
But heart mending
And bountiful joy, instead.
I have just been feeling all the feels I do not want and I just wanted to put it into words.
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