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Faerieland and in my head    —-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— to tell others —-██—— that you —-██—— believe in God
Mateuš Conrad
36/M/Essex (England)    as attempted in third person biographical form: will not write in third person, an ongoing auto- and first person - salvo!
Check out my insanely talented friend:
Lora Lee
I am a writer, of both poetry and fiction, since as long as I can remember. It is simply a part of who I am, ...
24/where flowers grow    i am in love with my misfortune | Instagram: lakinoceanriver
Kelly Spiritwind Wood
New Mexico    I am of Native American mix. My poems reflect on everyday life and walking the Red Road. Through struggles, through pain,in love and peace,with hope ...
Alyanne Cooper
I'm a wandering writer who hides behind a name not my own but I'll still claim All-rights reserved. © 2017 Alyanne Cooper I've posted a ...
Terry Jordan
Boca Raton, FL    "That love is all there is, is all we know of love" Emily Dickenson Currently teach yoga, retired from nursing and teaching career, love reading, ...
Come shed old skin with me
72/M/King of Prussia, PA    Vernon Waring has had poetry - ranging from serious to humorous - featured in several publications including the Saturday Evening Post, First Literary Review - ...
Sara Ackermann
23/F/New Richmond, Wisconsin    It's been a while huh. Life hasn't been much kinder to me than last time I was on here, but things seem to be looking ...
England    I only know I am xxx
charismatic pleasures.
Toreinss Pinwinkel III
71/M/California    Poet, guitarist, singer, artist, philosopher, martial artist, and glad to be part of this community!
Impeccable Space Poetess
Life♡Love    I'm no good at BIOS etc But~this is SO--GOOD:);):)<333 ...thanks for posting xour lovely poems... ❤ IMPECCABLE SPACE POETESS
Karina Norris-Veirs
Oklahoma    I'm a nurse who has always loved to write. Some poems may never see the light of day due to them being too personal. I ...
Chloe Zafonte
22/F/United States    You won't find another brutally honest poet like me.
Lancaster Massachusetts   
Missouri, USA    "If you can't see anything beautiful about yourself, get a better mirror, look a little closer, stare a little longer"
"And God said, 'love your enemy', so I obeyed Him and loved myself." ~ I only repost when I've run out of words
Christina Calvano
Center Valley    "Be happy; that's all anyone can ever ask of you."
hello i'm tal I write miserable and fictional (?) poetry that has the same impact as a mumble mostly. I usually don't show people my ...
nowhere    the picture on the left is art by aron wiesenfeld, my profile is just a random picture of a moth
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