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 Apr 2016 Kerry Ann Herrmann
If I could swallow my words
And take anything I've said
Back into my veins;
Like they never existed,
Out of all the memories
I've rewound in my head
I'd never take back a single word
But maybe would have just kissed you
His eyes wide open
Mind a haunted alley
A shadow that swallowed light
Day crumbled at his darkness
Burning with fuel of coldness
Frozen in medieval times
Lurking under umbrella of madness
Wild smoke meeting match
Numb in the cycle of pain
With razors sharp edges of actions
Masquerading like a ghost halo
Bleeding fire in solace of night
 Apr 2016 Kerry Ann Herrmann
someone once told me
pain is like water;
you need a little
to know you're alive,
but too much
will drown you.
and now I think
isn't it funny
how the things we do
to feel alive
are the things
that can **** us?

i suppose
it's because
we just want to feel
I've been writing a lot of poetry lately. Sorry if I'm obnoxious. Credit to my friend for being the ambiguous person whose quote I used. (Take that, Danny.)
the final vacation,
destination unknown.
I just hope its all inclusive,
I left my wallet
in my other suit.
Beyond the clouds
There is a light
Gentle and strong
The promise
Of the end of night.
It shimmers
With the sound of
Children's laughter.
The hint of
A happily ever after.
Or maybe just
Okay for now,
But we'll make it
Through this storm

A Man may make a Remark—
In itself—a quiet thing
That may furnish the Fuse unto a Spark
In dormant nature—lain—

Let us deport—with skill—
Let us discourse—with care—
Powder exists in Charcoal—
Before it exists in Fire.
One feverishly feigned embrace
And struck with hand, dagger graced
Though the votive venial
It precipitated the coup de grace

Ignorant stood captivated,
Discourse evaporated
As conspirators followed suit
Silence serenaded the orchestrated,
Symphony of treachery accentuated by sovereignty's strikes, resolute

Although he knew the fate awaited
And pain he could not substitute
The fight he would not forsake, and so suffered mute
Until his soul was devastated by the visage venerated...
The coda extricated,
"Et tu, Brute?"
I've been trying make this work
tell me what you think
Verily, Verily
Wandering  down the road
Singing for the pleasure of it

Another  acorn in the grass
Dropped like an unexpected Thought  from the Sky
How Beautiful!

And with it
Happiness alights

..."Be smarter than that arrives.."
A word of cautionary warring
Growled from an ancient Wisdom held Below
A lover perhaps

If only we had met sooner
A Black Lion of the tangle it up sort of mischief
Raw Desire engaged demand

Return Inevitable
Neither shall Time wait,
nor shall Time go

Shadows Optional
For a Game of Chance Is only ever Play

Love acted Upon
Is Life in the Round
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