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 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
There's something comforting about crying yourself to sleep with a storm raging outside your window.

The rain, your tears.
The howling wind, your sobs.
The thunder, your pounding heart.

Almost as if you're crying, so the world is crying with you.
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
Devon Webb
I can see myself
my own dignity,
popping it like
and watching as it
under my
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
he would always tell me that he loved me,
and i believed him.
but the fact that he never showed me he loved me,
should have been a dead give away.

his words were just that: words.
lies that kept me off his back
out of sight, out of mind
until the next time he needed me.

i don't know whats worse:
being lied to,
or knowing that in his eyes
i wasn't worthy of the truth.

my own worth,
i saw his words.
without him,
i was nothing

I Am Nothing.
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
I crave emotion like I crave pizza
But I can't have it
I can't let myself devour every ounce of love that comes my way
I can't become dependent on the infamous L word that has broken me
I'm emotionally anorexic,
But sometimes I'm bulimic
Sometimes I'll hunt down my prey, and **** them dry of their love
I'll crave it until I'm stuffed full, and then I'll purge it out
I'll tell them I hate them,
I'll tell them to leave forever
I'll push them away until I'm broken and sad and alone
And anorexic again
Until I'm back where I belong, in the corner of my room
Crying, sobbing, craving affection, but not letting myself have it
Because I don't want to be fat with lust
I can't gain a single pound because if I do
I'll be weak.
Trust me, I know how it feels
I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower
So no one can hear you
And waiting for everyone to fall asleep
So you can fall apart
For everything to hurt so bad
You just want it all to end
I know exactly how it feels
I don't blame anyone, I did this to myself
Its my fault, everything is my fault
I feel this tiredness that sleep can't fix
And please stop asking if I'm okay
I'm tired of lying
I'm tired of living
I'm tired of trying
I'm tired of coping
I'm tired of hoping
I'm tired of existing
I'm tired of breathing
I'm just done
Because I'm never truly happy
Some days I'm just a little less sad than the rest
When you reach the point of being so sad you're numb
You're going to miss the ability to cry
Because depression is like drowning
And seeing everyone around you breathing
Because depression is not a choice
Its a deep hole you cannot climb out of
Trust me, I know how it feels
To beg God to just take it all away
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
 Dec 2014 Kelly Nolan
i have forgotten how to be myself, as if once when i was walking in a dream i forgot to wake my soul up. maybe it’s curled up sleeping in some far spiral of my fingerprints.
my friend tells me she can’t figure me out. she says the attic light is still flickering but the rest of the house looks dark. she says if you stare too hard at my eyes, you can see a noose up on the roof beam. she says i am standing on a stool, trying to decide if my life is worth taking.
i don’t know how to control myself. i lie awake at night wondering why i did things that make me cringe as soon as they happen. i lie awake asking myself how hard it would be to be normal. i tell myself that tomorrow, i will be perfect. i won’t laugh too loud, i won’t be a burden, i won’t speak unless i have to.
i spend so much time worrying about being perfect that i never get it right.
mistakes i've made and will (probably) make again
 Nov 2014 Kelly Nolan
i am trying to be okay
with the way my hair falls
into place all over
and how my voice gets
really small when i talk to
new people
i am trying to be okay
with how i cannot please
everyone to their liking
and how i stumble over my
words in public
and how my hands shake when
i don't know what to do

i am trying to be okay with myself
and who i am
but i am learning
and this is a journey
i am learning to love myself
because i am the only one who
will be there when i lay in bed
to rest
and how can i rest peacefully
when i have the voices in my
mind criticizing me for every
flaw i have made
so this is going to stop
because im on a journey to
love myself
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