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I miss you.

2. I miss you.

3. I miss you.

4. I spend two hours or maybe four wondering where you are and what exactly happened between us. I spend more time wondering about you then I do about the world.

5. I still miss you.

6. It's been over 68 days since I last saw your face, but it doesn't matter because I can still recall the way your lips felt, the way your hands touched me. I even remember the way your skin smells, I remember everything about you.

7. I read somewhere that you shouldn't beg someone to stay in your life. If they need to remove themselves allow them too. Perhaps there is more reason behind that fact than I come to justify in my own mind.

8. I think I fell in love with you.

9. I am in love with you.

10. I still miss you.

11. I still love you.

12. We were so bad for each other, but maybe love is a type of poison. One that we learn to endure.  

13. All of these are messages I wish I could send you.

14. Find happiness where ever you may be.

15. I'll still love you and I'll miss you dearly.

15. I'll be waiting for you.
 Feb 2014 Kayla Lyn
Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
     universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
     reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
     reading "Keep Off."

My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
     in the universe.
 Feb 2014 Kayla Lyn
you, my first happiness
you, my first interest
you, my first smile
you, my first touch
you, my first interlock
you, my first song
you, my first bloom
you, my first embrace
you, my first love
you, my first sun

you, my first fall
you, my first sorry
you, my first ignorance
you, my first tear
you, my first sorrow
you, my first hatred
you, my first wilt
you, my first death

and i, your last moon
 Feb 2014 Kayla Lyn
Misleading words lead to mistaken actions.
I guess I misunderstood when
you said you loved holding me.
I guess you meant
you didn't know how to be alone.
 Jun 2013 Kayla Lyn
Muggle Ginger
When I was in 4th grade a girl named Claire
Kicked my ***
And left me on the blacktop
I swore it would never happen again

When I was 17 a girl named Ashley
Kicked my ***
And left my heart in pieces
I swore to never trust love again

I just turned 23 and a girl I shouldn’t name
Kicked my ***
I wanted to give her everything
For the very first time

But I never got off the blacktop
My heart is still in pieces
Love is still untrustworthy
I need to learn to fight.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
I don't accept much.
 Jun 2013 Kayla Lyn
Muggle Ginger
We are superheroes
Who simply haven't found
our masks
And are too shy to
let people see
Who we really are
Sweet stonewall princess,
Tear down impossible walls,
  .  .  .  See me as I am.
Now you see me
Now you don't

I am a shadow's brother
A caster's Illusion
A magician's slight of hand
An imposter's facade

A theif's mask
A soldier's stealth
An infultraitor's silence
A clever pawn

You can't run
You can't hide
Now you see me
Now you don't
 Apr 2013 Kayla Lyn
 Apr 2013 Kayla Lyn
Legs, arms, feet
Not quite in one piece
No on can believe what they see
Flying legs, and arms, and feet.

Who dun' it? Who dun' it?
Why'd they do it to them?
Someone confess it, admit it!
And we'll get revenge!

They'll hear it in their dreams
The booming of explosions
Tearing them apart at the seams.

Legs, arms, feet
Not quite in one piece
No on can believe what they see
Flying legs, and arms, and feet.
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