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 Feb 2017 kaycog
Untitled #7
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Don't give me kind words,
If you're gonna break all the rules.
I'd rather the harsh roads,
Than flourish feelings against fumes.

Did I read the signs all wrong?
I swear I heard you call me love.
Copyright © irsorai
01/02/2017 - 11:30pm
 Feb 2017 kaycog
 Feb 2017 kaycog
the moon
took shelter in my chest and
made a home
of my husk of a body

but it's too
big and bleeding
to hold tight
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Jor For
Vain struggle
****** knuckles
Slow desperation
Devil Dancers
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Pearson Bolt
i make love with Death every night.

during the day, we go our separate
ways, but she's always on my mind.
after work, we meet up.
same routine. dinner, occasionally.
but always drinks.

she downs a bottle
of Cabernet
with no help
from me.
the red compliments
her dress and flushes
her cheeks with pink.
i just take coffee. black.

afterwards, she needs
a lift home. i'm her dd.
the city lights blur
indigo and violet,
blossoming like flowers
in the pavement
of the night sky.

we arrive. she invites
me to come inside,
looks me in the eye,
says, "i love you."

i believe her,
even though i know
it's a lie.

the minutes hang thick.
while she sobers up,
we roll dice
and tell stories.

then, breathless and slick,
it begins in the kitchen.
gasps come in spasms, pulsing
in tandem with our obsessive—
we continue beneath the duvet.
i sample the flesh between her legs.
she tastes like pomegranate
and bruised starfruit. her sweat
is second-hand smoke. my brain buzzes
from Marlboro Lite cigarettes.

afterwards, we lay over the sheets
as the ceiling fan rotates eternally
overhead, humming a tune we both hear
in our dreams but cannot comprehend.  
her head rests on my chest,
she loses herself in the gaps
between each heartbeat.

wordless, we drift.

when i wake, she's always gone.
the space in bed beside me
has grown cool. jealously,
i wish Death had taken me with her.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Amethyst Fyre
She's a little unfocused
A mind, world of her own
This is a strong girl, she's been through a lot
She's got such fierce loyalty
Sticks to her moral code

Yet I worry about her

How much more can she take of this world grabbing her by the ankles and shaking her to her core?

I know the things I've thought, and we are sisters
Is it that far off to assume maybe she's thinking the same?
And what if she acts on it?
She's always been so much more impulsive, so irrationally emotional...

I cry for her

Would it be so hard-
rather than throwing her combatants to battle and mountains to climb-

Would it be so hard for the world to put in her path a few good friends instead?
I worry about her, the world just never seems to cut her a break
 Feb 2017 kaycog
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Desensitization of the mass population.
Media crooning and crowing,
Subjects in ten thousand directions.
Pink peonies of peace,
Singed in a hysterical conflagration.

Sweet songbird, your vocal chords,
Eviscerated, mutilated.
Your cries, silent and yet,
Your screams deafening.

The red in their eyes,
Rage or fatigue?
Who am I to judge?
Who am I to please?

Just save a pink peony for me!
So tired of the hate and fear...
 Jan 2017 kaycog
Valsa George
Once there was vernal sunshine all around
With plants and blooms in color and scent abound
Butterflies here n’ there and from all corners unseen
Flitted back and forth in iridescent sheen

Birds sang tuneful songs of contentment
Squirrels and bunnies hopped in spirits buoyant
But all along now I see trees, leafless and bare
Nakedly shivering in winter’s chilly air
Even when the Earth adorns in full glory
Here I bide alone, so dull and dreary
Oh! Dear! Why have you so hurriedly left me?
Was it to make me drift aimless in this turbulent sea?

We were once a happy pair of doves
Seeking warmth under each other’s wings
By sundown, we flew to our evening nest
Under temple spires, we sought easeful rest

We walked the meadows, gathering spring flowers
We roamed aimless through ocean strands
We watched life’s ceaseless ebb and flow
We waited eager to grab life’s evanescent glow

We knew sorrow’s depth and worth
Each morn, for us, was love’s rebirth
We walked close to paths supernal
And lived ever in love eternal

Now I have lost the rhyme n’ rhythm of life
I see the world around with sorrows rife
I am a broken reed far beyond repair
With no songs to be played now or ever

Once we danced to the rising and lilting measure
Each synchronized step, we took with such pleasure
Oh! I hear from far, your anklets rhyme and chime
They ring in my ears through the time

Each wayside flower to me recalls your lovelorn face
The wind swayed lilacs reflect your grace
Deep in silent night the odor of your flowing hair
Comes wafting, and for a while, I feel you near

A boundless emptiness often fills my space
The question –‘What next’ stares at my face
Yet never shall I yield, but shall bravely sail
Hoping, we together shall meet at the Golden Dale
(The lament of a lover who lost his love to death)
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