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Kathryn Rose Oct 2018
Cloudy Sundays will always belong to you
Sleepy amber
You are the rain
Seeping through the windows
Dousing me in kerosene
Lighting the flame
Encroaching on my present happiness
Drove a thousand miles away
But asked again
To scratch your back
Retrace the touch
Permanently erased
Memory’s demise: “soon”
You mustn’t have known,
I cried too.
Kathryn Rose Oct 2018
Tonight the West sky favors the dream
You left on my bedside table
Washed, soft and dark
Even the clouds cry for you
Kathryn Rose Apr 2018
Appearing in the dark,
You wrap around my love,
In greedy form.
A knife in my heart, I'm bleeding.
Frozen, watching you.
Laughing, no one seems to notice you
Sitting with ease, on his lap.
Unknowingly, my legs take me,
out of your sight.
The bathroom mirror reveals
The true reflection of the woman
Living in fear.
Build my confidence, glass.
Erase the flutter in my stomach.
Stitch the wound in my heart.
Strong, beautiful woman -
Saunter back to your seat.
Sit with his friends,
Strangers to you.
Look in his golden eyes.
See his truth,
She disappears.

Imagine the present, reality.
Forget not the honesty.
She does not exist any place,
Other than your fragile mind.
Kathryn Rose Apr 2018
The silver moon lets me rest my aching soul.
Sleep void of the memory of you.
Kathryn Rose Apr 2018
Wake up in my embrace
Feel her graze against your hair
My lips brush your neck
She slips her hand downward
My mouth, wet
She moans your name

I ******* scream

Colorful kiss
Persuasive caress
Take me there
Make me forget
Kathryn Rose Apr 2018
You began only a piece

Dorm room fumes

You grew, miraculously

Now a guardian to the grass
You shade the ants and
Breathe life into the lungs of the cardinals

Let me fly away
On your wings
You green thing
Kathryn Rose Apr 2018
And so we continue
Ignorant and cold
To the ******, barely-beating heart
Of the ******* country
We call home

Call for justice!
How the hell,
Did we get here?

Agent orange
You are correct in saying
We need to make our country

**** no.
It has never been
Much but a host
For a hateful virus
Feasting on the light and kindness
Of its soft atmosphere

We are first!
We are best!

Boast until you burst
I fear is soon
The fat seething through our pours
The knowledge seeping from our brains
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