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 Apr 2019 kateasz
12:15 am
 Apr 2019 kateasz
laying in bed all alone
while night seeps through window sills and door frames
a sea of never ending darkness
the silence is deafening
as thoughts race past
eventually blurring until
only one remains
why won't it stop
craving any answer
frantically grasping at
what sanity is left
sleep suddenly knocks
at the door
begging to be let in
I need to shut my laptop and go to bed.
 Apr 2019 kateasz
An Apology
 Apr 2019 kateasz
I'm sorry I walked away from you dear friend.
I'm sorry I never told you my reason.
Most of all,
I'm sorry your eyes don't allow you to see
just how toxic you are.
 Mar 2019 kateasz
Canned Tuna
 Mar 2019 kateasz
I lay in a field of dew fresh flowers
And dream of sweet spring showers
Time and Time take autumn to spring
And a tree begins to grow from me
Now mist and dew are due to me
 Mar 2019 kateasz
s i m p l e
 Mar 2019 kateasz
everyone says, ' what a waste,
a pretty face, and tight waist.
What simply could you be sad about?'
 Feb 2019 kateasz
Why does everyone want to lose it?
Isn't it supposed to be somewhat sacred?
I've always thought so.
It's too bad that mine was stolen from me.

— The End —