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I don't want to only see things if they're popular...
So show me something else.
 Nov 2014 Kagami
Kaiden Faith
I still have your sweatshirt.
Your comfy, and big sweatshirt.
I really don't plan on giving it back,
And I don't think I should.
Since you disappeared,
And left my life.
Do you want it back?
Welp, too bad.
Because it's mine now.
 Nov 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
I don't know you did this Kagami
 Nov 2014 Kagami
 Nov 2014 Kagami
You suddenly go into shock
When you hear the knocking at your door
Then the creeking opening it more and more
As the stranger enters the room
You see he is not wearing a normal costume
"Trick or Treat"
You feel your heart beat
He then starts to stagger
Closer to you with his dagger
As it jabs your heart
You feel your body and soul come apart
 Nov 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
 Nov 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
Writing for you
Something I love to do
Seeing your face glow
Like the sun on snow
That smile that I love so much
I would love to touch
With our lips we kiss
I always get the feeling of bliss
I love you
 Nov 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
You are beautiful
I don't know how else to say it
I see your body
And I think your ****
I see your face
And I think your cute
But the way you act
And who you really are
Is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
Your heart makes mine skip a beat
It shows me truly how beautiful you are
 Nov 2014 Kagami
monica shomali
I want to save you with my mouth full of forevers. Listen to every beat of your ******* heart. Taste the morphine in your veins. I’ve never been one to do drugs but i wouldn’t mind inhaling you into my lungs. We haven’t even kissed yet and I already feel intoxicated.
1670 miles between us feel like nothing until all i want to do is hold your hand and drink ***** straight out of the bottle until one of us cries and confesses every sin that doesn’t even matter.
Why am I crying while I write this? You get my nerves us so much that it pulls the corners of my mouth into a smile while I cry. So don’t be fooled my nerves do a lot of crazy things. We could go to all the places I go alone if you want. I’ll show you all my favorite hiding places in DC. I’m tired of going to the art museums alone and thinking about how Picasso was so sad he ate yellow paint in hopes it would make him less blue and Da Vinci wrote everything backwards because that was all he knew. How insane do you have to be to make art as beautiful as the human body?
I look at pictures of her and I wonder why you would ever settle for a mortal after having Aphrodite. Now I’m left to pick up the mess she left behind. I’m trying to pick up shattered glass but my hands keep getting cut and I’m bleeding everywhere and I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. I’m just not as beautiful as her.
you said if you find the right song, it flows through the cracks of your heart like liquid gold. I don’t think it necessarily has to be a song, it can also be a person. I know what it’s like to be broken so i’m not going to rush you but I’m holding my breath waiting for you to be mine and it’s knocking me the **** out.
 Oct 2014 Kagami
That One Guy
You are my sunshine
I want to see you rise
With the amazing morning sun
And lie down with you
Setting with the sun
I shall watch you get brighter
Throughout the day
And shine the brightest with your smile
That only I can see
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