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 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
Star BG
I Kiss
 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
Star BG
Kissing my journey      
with words of gratitude
I dance,
spiraling, turning, celebrating,
life experiences.

At end of day
I kiss
the human vessel
that aids my walk.

I kiss my feet for its movement.
Hands for holding.
Arms for reaching
Fingers for typing.

I kiss my heart that beats.
Eyes that see beauty.
Lungs that caresses breath.
Hair weaving with wind.

I kiss my knees that hold me.
Head that expands.
Hips that sway.
Cells that travel.

I kiss with gratitudes voice
all parts
and The Divine
for the
blessings of each day and the gifts I have.
Inspired by
Bianca Reyes
 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
Blade grazes skin in horizontal hatred
teaching lessons in guilt and lies
crying truth that won't break the surface
which hides the tar that seeps
through a soul unseen

Prtty, Prtty smile
on a Prtty, Prtty girl

and the lines break surface tension
'twas all the glue would hold

Every turn a reflection in karma and self-loathing
perceived as an undeserved consequence
of a past that holds no regrets

One layer breaks free
and he fails to see her cracks
through the scars he was forced to stitch alone
with the rusted skewers of time

A second pass and the blade runs clean
as idle threats yield no change
a liar demanding truth of the one who gives it freely
as it has always been

Only seeing lies oneself would tell
unable and unwilling to realize
that the truth remains true
even when seen through one's own lies

Beaten into submission
that reeks of forced pity
only covers the truth
with lies that make one feel like

A Prtty, Prtty girl
with a Prtty, Prtty smile
Mother Nature beckons

Her brilliant cacophony

Her pine trees

Dancing, swaying, and whispering

Their virescent green

Shimmering through

Blue Hues

Peaceful and calm


Her birds sing

A sweet melody

White puffy clouds


Beams of sunshine

Benevolent to me

Immersed in

Her enchanting beauty

She is bewitching

She is my company
October is a beggar

Knocking on doors

Snatching golden leaves

In Autumn
 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
Imran Islam
Are you a girl or a piece of wood?
Is it your mind, or stone?
Do you have a heart, or not?
Why are you so rude?
Why your voice is a weapon?
Why do you treat me like a tot?

Are you a woman or the dark?
Is it your love or are you a cheater?
Do you have kindness, or not?
Why your emotion is like a nark?
What makes your hurtful heartbeat?
Why are you so prideful?

Are you mankind or nothing?
Is it your judgment or suicide?
Do you have feelings, or not?
Why do you have no lust?
You care about the nature outside
But why do you think life is a dot?
 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
Via Moore
The human soul is blind
    To any a malevolent heart;
It sees through a hopeful and trusting lens
    Only to be shattered into betrayed shards.

A seemingly respectable honeybee
    Wears a mask to hide
The nasty, stinging, pitch black mud dauber
   That broods on the inside.

The world’s magical colors
    Begin to fade away,
For the true colors were uncloaked at last,
    And all that was left was gray.
It's only a matter of time before the innocent world we know unveils its true self...
 Oct 2017 JWolfeB
madison curran
you speak about love as if it's the sky,
you look to it for answers,
to cure that hole in your chest.
do not walk around my block looking for the person who shot you when the gun was in your hands this whole time.

do not construct a haunted house out of my being
and tell the world i hexed you with my ignorance.
when you have been the ghost living in my hollow insides.
ready to commit ****** with your bare hands clenched around my neck.
you made the whole town watch,
fear drenched in the air,
so they would never come back without tasting those memories like blood in the back of their mouths.

i wonder if you knowing my insides were hollow made it easier for you to take up vacancy in my soul.
but you made everything i am into a two star motel room,
tore apart the room and the fines are still lingering in the air like you never touched me in the first place.

you thirsted on my blood like a tree's veins thirsting on the rains tears,
like you needed it to survive.
but don't you forget, my body was a church  before you let your ****** palms dance on the surface of my flesh,
and never cleaned up the mess.

so let your tongue vibrate against the roof of your mouth,
telling empty lies about
the reason you're bleeding.
you say you cut your hands on the broken glass fragments of my existence,
when you were the one who shot at every window i had left.
I don't need you anymore
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