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 Nov 2015 J
Dreams of Sepia
***** faced angels in leather
swinging off neon signs
inside my head
I wanna get on that highway
& drive to
the motel of lost hopes
retrieve my teenage dreams
with a broken bottle
get me to the USA
Californian beaches
Louisiana swamps
Beatnik bums
all the things
that have called to me
in my head
not like other little girls
I never played with dolls
always dreaming of playing with fire
on the long dusty road
spitting out ghost shrapnel of Iron curtain
barbed wire
& I got lost in a Berlin subway once
& dreamed
I was in New York
It's when you lose the possibility of fulfilling your dreams that you cling to them the most.
 Nov 2015 J
The love I've lost haunts me like a broken hearted ghost
She's mourning something terrible, forlorn wails and moans
The love I've lost follows me leaving a trail of miserable tears
It's keeping the one who loves me now from coming anywhere near
 Nov 2015 J
Emma Livry
 Nov 2015 J
Emma Livry
There may be a thorn
In my side, but you have such
Beautiful petals.
 Nov 2015 J
not person
 Nov 2015 J
every night
before i sleep
i pray that tomorrow’s forecast
will be cloudy.
you know,
when the sky is a clear blue
it’s most painful for me
because it reminds me
too much of your eyes

our love was not illicit
but you sure as hell made it feel that way
when you touched me like i was paraphernalia
and not person

i’m beginning to think
that i was some sort of mental illness
in your mind
because you never mentioned me
to other people

you know that feeling
when you can't remember
if something actually happened
or you just dreamed it?
that's what it felt like
the first time you said you loved me

when you promised me the world
i shouldn’t have expected anything more
than a miniature globe

math always told me
that two negatives
make a positive
but i think
the two of us
may have proved
that theory wrong

i hope the sky
is not as clearly blue
as i am tomorrow
 Nov 2015 J
Megan Nixon
Poems aren't stories, but I'll tell you one anyway
This tale isn't a happy one, so be warned if you stay
I met a boy, it was about a year back
I thought he was funny, but it wasn't much more than that
I spent three months chasing a different boy, I thought he was quite the find
Little did I know that the first boy; I was always on his mind
And so came the time where I gave up on boy number two
For a while I kept to myself, I still didn't think about you
Then suddenly one day, I opened my eyes
And after that you stood out from all other guys
I made a brave move, and I dared you to play
You were up for the game, but I didn't know if you'd stay
It only took one move, our romance rolled into action
I'd sneak into your house, we craved that passion
It didn't take long for you to slip that big word
But the word "girlfriend" was the happiest thing I'd ever heard
Now listen here, this may sound silly
But you were my first, and I couldn't help but worry
Come the end August, I knew you'd have to leave
College isn't something we could take on with ease
But you wrote that letter, I believed every promise you said
I believed in them so much, I memorized them in my head
"Don't forget about me, I know I won't forget about you"
You thought I was lying, but I remember that line too
It wasn't easy, but I say we did pretty well
Little did I know we were headed for hell
College is a busy place, school takes up a lot of time
But for your girlfriend, a lot of that time was mine
I'd hear from you less, and you'd apologize when you could
So I'd just smile and forgive you like I knew that I should
I knew what I was getting into, I was prepared for the fights
He thought he was too, but not for the lonely nights
Ill bet you didn't see this next one coming, it's such a plot twist
He texted me one night, this boy that I missed
He texted me, the boy I didn't notice for a very long time
He texted me, the boy who I now labeled as mine
He texted me, the boy I dared to play a game
He texted me, the boy who said he'd always feel the same
He texted me, the boy who I'd sneak out to see
He texted me, the boy whom I loved, with that he'd agree
He texted me to tell me a relationship wasn't going to last
And suddenly, in four text messages you became a thing of the past
He texted me. No, he did not call
And because of that, my world began to fall
But wait it's not over, don't walk away
I've realized something, and it's something I'd like to say
I don't care who reads this, the audience should be unclear
Didn't you notice, I used the word 'you' in places you shouldn't hear
There's only one person who I care about reading this
And I want him to know something, my last opportunity was missed
I do not hate you, but I do hate this one part
It's the only thing I hate, it's straight from the heart
I hate that you couldn't stand up to me, I hate that you couldn't even call
But you know what else, I hate that I still don't hate you
I don't hate you at all
 Nov 2015 J
 Nov 2015 J
knowing you're 8 hours away doesn't fill the piece of my heart you took with you
it doesn't remove the guilt from the bottom of my gut
and it doesn't take away the empty tissue boxes next to my bed

knowing i found someone new doesn't make me feel better about you gulping back cheap alcohol
and kissing someone else's cheeks

knowing that i could take my life any second and remove all of the pain that demands to be felt
doesn't make me stop wondering if you'd  
even miss me at all
or want to hear the sound of my voice again
or sit in silence while we watch the night sky
as if all of those stars
were equal to the butterflies in my chest
 Nov 2015 J
Liis Belle
Missing You
 Nov 2015 J
Liis Belle
I’m missing you like the drought misses rain
A drug that keeps feeding me this bittersweet pain
It lives in my soul, draining me of joy
What once was beautiful has now been destroyed

I’m missing you like the snow misses sun
Where light had once flourished, now there’s just none
A darkness that drowns me in melancholy and sorrow
I was such a fool for giving you my heart to borrow

I’m missing you like the night misses day
But no matter what happens, it’ll always find a way
The world will keep turning; the sun will shine again
A cycle for a billion years, I’ll miss you even then

But this has all been a daydream of strayed and mindless thoughts
I’m reminiscing like a fool, while you’ve probably forgot
Do you even miss me? Do I even want to know?
It wouldn’t be as painful as having to see you go  

And I’ll still be missing you like a beautiful sin
With the guilt inside of me where my heart had once been
You never returned it, don’t know where it might be now
Perhaps destroyed or buried, I’ll love you anyhow
Wrote this on February the 13th of this year. That was a year and two months since I had seen you last.
 Nov 2015 J
 Nov 2015 J
You told me you had changed,
You would treat me so much
Better than before
With your **** attitude
And your **** "love."

And when I called you a liar,
You didn't deny anything.
Dedicated to a certain someone *cough cough mutters* matt...
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