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 Jul 2020 jude rigor
I sort my drawer
into compartments
for socks, napkins and ties
hoping to make up for
the unsorted pile in my mind

I watch the sunset and sunrise
in attempts to get the closures
and new beginnings
that I never got.
 Sep 2019 jude rigor
No one
On loss
 Sep 2019 jude rigor
No one
First, the tears.

They build up and up and up,
Never falling, not just yet.

You stop breathing.

You start gasping for air,
The poison in your lungs, your head,
Making your head spin in all directions.

And, if you try to stop,
You end up making it worse.

Calm down.

But in order to calm down you must write,
And to write you must calm down,
The entire paradox
Sending your head swirling.

Vision blurry,
You stop thinking clearly,
Less clear than before.

The world a huge kaleidoscope
Of sadness.

Every attempt to find what you lost
More desperate,
More unrealistic
Than the last.

Each rejection,
Each nonexistence
A greater blow
Than the last.

And suddenly,
At All.

And you're crying yourself to sleep,
Trying to make up for what was lost,
To make amends.

But you know,
Deep down
You'll never be okay with it.

That loss defines you.
Just a rough draft, needed to think clearer.
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
mal monson
arm the so-called enemy to
shove the war down citizens throats
throw the blame onto anyone but yourselves
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
mal monson
and it makes me so ******* sick that any sort of mild ******* inconvenience makes me wanna **** myself
but i guess that's just it
the only solution in this miserable life
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
i’ve been stuck in the same place
since, i don’t even know when.
my mind, soul, and body
welcoming nasty thoughts,
whispering ***** things,
i‘ve become anew.
yet so lonely,
so confused, and so lost.
there are cobwebs growing
above my head where i sleep.

who am i really?
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
aristocratic air
bountiful glory
but don't forget
even beings birthed straight from a supernova
still rot like the least of us.
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
Young eyes do not see
They create and pave

Young eyes do not
Instead new intuition

Young eyes do not
They see opening

Young eyes do not
They are full of

But Young eyes grow old
With aged stories told

Tired they fold and open
Ascend then descend

On earth again
With new Young eyes
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
a night, one warm summer evening
strong lyrics, songs we listen to,
thinking about each other, not wanting to admit it

one touch, one kiss
a lots of alcohol, no judgment, candid talks
not wanting to change, afraid to loose it all

hard, dark, twisted life
pain and sorrow, kind smiles and honesty
fear, terror, panic attacks

us, in a little box, far away for life
warm and cozy, alone, safe
on one's own and cold, sad then tired
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