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 Dec 2018 jude rigor
when night falls and the clouds blow in
thats when the ghosts appear

all of a sudden
all at once

they’re slow dancing in our favorite spot

but the wind is a cruel mistress
and blurs their once distinguishable figures

to nothing again
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
Here I sit


One waitress

Crying to a Queen song

She serves me coffee

I drink then leave

And on my napkin a coffee stain

What is me?
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
Close my eyes
and mouth with tape let me
hear the torment
within my head
without distraction
Always distracted
focus compromised by
emotional eyes
and an empty heart
sleep to destroy
the art of darkness
Slow step wake up
yesterday’s makeup
spilled on the tile
emotions run wild
like fenced in dogs
never touching their paws
to pavement
just chain link
filed teeth and angry
Arranging my next
movements in order
to save me
the door or
the window
cause you know
I’m not staying here
that’s very clear
no need for the drama
just call my mama
she’ll take me home
Mouth foams
dog bites
bigger dogs now attack
now I’m ******* my back
hands collapse under straps
And of course the beautiful syringe
tinged pale neurons singed
Bring me down the hall
this is what I call
Light fades sleep settles
and I’m not even through
day one

 Dec 2018 jude rigor
as much as i miss you,
and would like you back in life,
i appreciate living a life without you
more than living a life entirely waiting upon you.
i think i'm finally understanding the better off i am without you, if you happen to read this know that you were a big impact in my life and i'm forever grateful for you, and even though we didn't work out and things are still unresolved, i hope you are continuously doing well.
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
 Dec 2018 jude rigor
the smell of love and regrets
the smell of you
on my lips
bitter sweet
 Dec 2017 jude rigor
 Dec 2017 jude rigor
The moon is almost full
I am still on my first cigarette and I've got all night to use my brain
Right now let me just inhale and think with my heart
Kids//current joys
 Dec 2017 jude rigor
I want to be the deep end of the pool when I lay down
You could dip your toes under my rib cage
I want you to be able to grab me by my collar bone
Pull me into your chest,
Let me disappear completely in there.
I am tired of my presence
I am tired
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