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 Feb 2016 Joyce
K Balachandran
Once a professed good kid
Suskind in his native
German he was named,
wrote a macabre tale
on making a special"Perfume"
most irresistible ,enigmatic,
by murdering virgins
in a chilling succession,
and mixing those scents
absorbed in each shroud!
Parents, beware when
you name your children
see, what this good kid
(according to his surname)
to his excited readers did;
pure  Gothic dished out
from beginning to it's explosive end!
"Perfume:story of a murderer"(1985) by German novalist Patrick  Suskind was made in to a film in 2006  by Tom Twkwer
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Under blue skies with birds singing, I watch as you go on your journey. Memories rush through my mind and I fight to hold back the tears. So much was left unsaid. As your friends pass one by one, I long to hold you again. I want so much to go back and make it right. Unfortunately, I will not have that chance and now that you are going on your eternal journey, I can't say goodbye.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
When all eyes can see beyond our own prejudices. When all hearts openly embrace another's ideals. When tolerance is not a watch word, but a way of life. When agreeing to disagree is not in our vocabulary, then the human equation will finally add up to all people being equal.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Give something you don't need to another who does not have it. Show concern for another person even if you don't know them. Speak out against injustice even if it is not your fight. Be open to new ideas, even if they seem strange at first. Take small steps to change each day, until you are more accepting of others. Learn to speak another persons language, even if you are from the same place. Give something of yourself to the betterment of where ever you go. Learn to share the world with others, that we might all live and  grow.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
Silver and Gold will lose their luster. Jewels will not sparkle forever. Treasures can be stolen or tarnished by the passage of time. Life long memories on the other hand cannot be taken by a thief, nor can time erase the impact of love given to create them. The smallest acts of kindness and caring with family, is often the most precious thing. It is a treasure that cannot be given a value. It is part of who you are and what you pass on in life.
Chasing the cloudburst of June ..
Vying arid , parched Summer determination ..
A blessing to walk flooded narrows , receiving the aroma of fertile soil ..
Copyright February 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Have you, like me, ever got so full of feeling you get confused?
been empowered with rightness, the up gets confused with down
and right with left? Or walked down a street all light and gay
then turned a corner into the darkest alley?  spent hours dancing to
the music in your head, all barefoot and your cats look at you like
you lost it? And you pet 'em and they hiss and shrink away. And you think, ******* , see if I am gonna give you a treat. see if that tuna can I put out earlier is gonna get opened. Scratch it.
Claw and meow, now, *******. And on the wall the shadows
and in the mirror are frightening visions of you you are not sure are you? You sleep fitfully, with regret dreams and wake up asking yourself questions. Sleep in too long when the nightmares finally end. Crawl to the pack of cigarettes with one left in it, dreading having to go out to buy another pack. Listen to the telephone just keep ringing.
Not even looking at who's calling. Grab at itchy things and long lost crotches and kiss lips remembering how chapped you are now. Finally paint a picture on the wall with ketchup of her or him  , looking too much like blood.
Then, wake up from reality again.
I have to really thank those that responded to my earlier hasty post. I thank you Elsa Angelica, especially.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
I sit on a bench
On a hill
In the rain
Hiding my tears
My heart
Full of pain
I watch
I listen
I wait in vain
For the answer
To a question
I can't explain

I sit on a bench
In a park
Full of history
Surrounded by people
Who pass by
But can't see me
I am hurt
I am broken
And they let me be
A girl
On a bench
Across from the abbey

I sit on my bench
In quiet
A man walks by
On his face
He smiles
He sees
The hurt and frustration
Of the girl
On the bench
Who has no conviction

He sits on my bench
On the hill
In the rain
He asks me
To share my fear
And my pain
I speak
He listens
And I smile again
On a bench
With a friend
On a hill in the rain

(C) Pixievic 2016
Wrote this awhile ago - but it popped  into my head today ....!
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Bianca Reyes
I will be the kite
And the wind at the same time
Be my kite runner
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 22,2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved

Blah blah blah
Yay for haikus!!!
 Feb 2016 Joyce
The Dedpoet
Today I have no hearts,
I feel the anxiety of my poem.

I haven't seen a single lighting
In such a dark procession of grey,
Forgive my poetry for how little my words are.

On this morning everyone, everyone goes
By passing my words of poetics.

And I don't know what else to write,
All that is left is the sigh of this piece.

I've connected to the world wide web,
I scream among the faces, I am alone!
If you want poetry, my words are here!

Because of all the days of this life,
I slam so many doors on my own face
And a loneliness seizes my soul.

Today no one has left a heart:
Today I have died a little inside.
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