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One of many apologetic arguments
is an application of Game Theory,
as defined by “Pascal’s Wager”;
ideas of infinite gain make leery

skeptics doubt a likely existence
of an omnipotent and omniscient God,
Who is worthy of our time and talent.
They believe this premise is flawed,

as they willingly bet against Hell,
damnation and its infinite losses;
the discussion, of rational thought
and atheistic stances, crisscrosses

mental boundaries in search of Truth.
Is finite loss of luxury and pleasure
worth the Christian lifestyle today?
Where are you storing your treasures?
Author notes

Inspired by:
Gen 1; Matt 6:19-20 and

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Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
The anger in them rises
cause they’ve lost their inner Light;
gone are their chances for Love;
so they rail against the night…
without an understanding.

When blinded by defeat’s grief,
they lash out with their hatred.
Jealous of your victory,
their vitriol is blood red-
stuck in misunderstanding.

Serve Christ and His Kingdom, while
covered with His holiness;
please Him during Life’s routines;
shine brightly with Righteousness.
Live your Life with Faith’s branding.

Wear holy armor each day;
let your joy attract the lost;
revel in Faith’s contentment;
remain grateful for The Cross
and show Love’s understanding!

When you really consider it,
there’s no reason for a debate;
Love doesn’t justify itself,
seeing that… haters gonna hate!
Author notes

Inspired by:
Prov 9:7-12; 1 Tim 6:6

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Are you regularly transcending your ego?
Is doubt interfering with your intentions?
Can you dream dreams and envision a future,
that are aligned with His plan of Salvation?

Will your dreams manifest into your reality?
Have you discussed your purpose with Him?
Can you claim that you’re making progress?
Are you imploding from events that are grim

and seeking to pull your soul downward again?
Are you applying Biblical principles often,
to your personal, family and professional lives?
Are you kind toward others, with a heart soften

by the joyous message of God’s abundant Love?
Are you involving yourself in high-energy levels
of appreciation, reverence, trust and optimism?
Or are you sacrificing at the feet of devils,

who have stolen your Life’s sacred, first Love?
In the midst of your brokenness, does Light shine?
Can the uninitiated and unsaved, see any evidence
in your behavior, whereby your life is a shrine

that proclaims the greatness and goodness of God?
From agitations and disruptions, do you find release?
Can you stay clear of commotions and hullabaloos?
Are you living… in turmoil or staying in peace?
Author notes

Inspired by:
Psa 24:1-10; Phil 4:8-10; 1 Cor 14:33;
Eph 4:4-14; Job 12:10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
As one chosen by God, certain attributes
are demonstrated with loving regularity;
despite one’s beliefs, showing kindness
requires a daring of spiritual temerity.

For The Lord expects His children to give
Love towards people without expectations;
know that being tenderhearted, helps one
to naturally extend actions of compassion.

Don’t think lightly, about the richness
of kindness, it may one lead to repentance;
its warm embrace softens the heart, while
Salvation overrides Death’s life sentence.

The merit of kindness can’t be overstated;
being accepting, forgiving without judgment
means not rigidly imposing beliefs on others.
As His children, one should make investments

in the individualized development of others.
With the “Fruit of The Holy Spirit”, growth
and maturation can be properly accelerated
when applying by the principle of God’s oath

to “humbly walk in Love” (as He requires).
Kindness is patient, when paired with respect,
justice, long-suffering and unconditional Love;
the value of kindness, no one should neglect.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Eph 4:32; Gal 5:22-23; Heb 6:10; Rom 2:4;
Luke 6:35; Col 3:12; Prov 3:3; Mica 6:8

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
With Faith, there’s no need to hide;
His Spirit, in you, resides;
shed any vain foolishness
and follow your Holy Guide.

To the lost, Faith makes no sense;
at Last Judgment, the pretense
of personal ignorance…
fails as a valid defense.

The World knows hypocrisy
and it watches us closely;
they covet genuine proof
that your Faith has eyes to see!

With “Intelligent Design”,
they’re slow to admit that signs
of God’s Role is evident,
but hope to drink His new wine!

Are you, still doubting yourself?
Are you, failing to see change,
that’s occurring in your heart?
By the Savior’s Great Exchange,

you’ll get a crown of beauty
and not ashes of mourning;
contentment develops as…
you see yourself transforming!
Author notes

Inspired by:
John 16:13; Rom 8:14; 2 Cor 5:21; Isa 61:3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
God has a purpose and plan,
behind every difficulty
and life experience we face;

we’re never blindly promised
a lifetime of ease or pleasure,
but a flow of mercy and grace

to soothe heartaches and pain.
We’ve the strength to overcome
by His Word and we’re blessed

as children… of the Living God!
We’re to go forth believing,
knowing that we’re sustained,

imparted with His divine rest.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Jer 29:11; Lam 3:22-23; Rom 8:37-39;
2 Cor 6:18; Psa 18:32, 37:7; Eccl 2:24-25

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Let us live, like we are
worth the high price He paid;
let us be truly grateful,
of the sacrifice Christ made.

Let us live, like we are
Children of His eternal Kingdom;
let us walk with Love, Power
and the Spirit of divine wisdom.

Let us live, like we are
inseparable members of His family;
let us reflect, real integrity,
with Light’s full transparency.

Let us live, like we are
conquerors sharing His victory;
let us be authentic, whereby
the Christ in us… has liberty!
Author notes

Inspired by:
John 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:3-11; Eph 1:5, 5:1;
Rom 8:37-39; 2 Cor 3:17-18

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
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