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 Feb 2015 Jose Munoz
Dark Jewel
Trust is the will of many,
Betrayal runs through the blood of all.
Where doth one heart lie?

Whereth it not lie at all..

Beyond the golden grains,
Of any time it bestows.

You must earn your way,
To trust your own soul..
This is a serious subject i wish many people would not take so lightly..
 Feb 2015 Jose Munoz
Dark Jewel
My wolf howls,
In pain.

I am unloved,
By the rain.

Content to be imperfect,
To the wilds I run.
I only wish to be alone.
May my time come.

Painful memories,
Curse thy Wolf and I.
I feel like a child,
Who sits in the corner and cries.

May I howl,
Until the daylight dawns..
My kin,
I only wish to cry..

 Feb 2015 Jose Munoz
Dark Jewel
Alone the wolf roams,
Through the mountains.

She only wishes,
To have a pack of her own..
 Feb 2015 Jose Munoz
 Feb 2015 Jose Munoz
Let me trade in my smile for fangs
And my feminine fingers for paws.

Let me trade in my manicured nails for claws
And my curly locks for silver fur.

Let me trade my heart shaped mouth for a long snout
And the freckles on my nose for whiskers.

Let me trade my curves for a round, bushy tail
And my clumsiness for strength and agility.

Let me trade my tears for whimpers and barks
And my voice for howls in the night.

Let me trade my dinner reservations for hunting down a moose
And my poor senses for keen ears and a nose.

Let me trade my soul for a different one
And become a friend to the moon.

Let me live my life as a wolf
And all that it encompasses.

Let me symbolize the dawn and the dusk
And let me symbolize the converging of light and darkness.

Because that is wolf,
And that is what I see, when I look in the mirror.

— The End —