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 Apr 2016 Jose Gonzalez
Melissa S
you see no color
at least not in people
just when you describe bugs

there is no limit to your hugs
which light up my world
an unconditional love

whether its making silly selfies
or talking in our unique alien language
being carefree with you is the bee's knees

seeing from your perspective
gives me imagination
and gives me courage to just be me
My son is the best teacher on giving love lessons :)
 Apr 2016 Jose Gonzalez
Upsized in elastic tugs
Boxing gloves trembling in sweat
A pace of haste, a stretch of jab
Ahead a mob, resign the job

The cheer as the pro smears
In tears I resume with fear
Body solid, the barefoot I bear
Hands bare all ignited gears

Endured as the rope snaps
My lioness is lost in the ring
Fire roars, an angered uproar
Unable to face the opponent

A body shot, a tummy stomp
Mouth guard stumped,beg to stop
Cheers rant upfront,the pain pause
Three minutes cease, an earring drop
Wow, In a boxing ring today and I froze. Then rose, then froze. She was proper rough!!!! and me? A *****.......
 Apr 2016 Jose Gonzalez
ohhh Soul raptured and captured
Fractured in moments of reciprocity
An outward doubt of censorship
Widening smiles of spoken misfortune

A tear, a mend, the exposed laughter
Tributes of adventure rouse the sheep
Rumoured lines of defensive solutions
Evolution with a tenancy of dissolution

Hearts of hearts, a distanced resolution
Insulated in clenched stimulant jokes
Introverted cells taking a pick of self
The ***, a sect, to solve and save the rest
Funny how comedians make fun of themselves. Inspired me to work on a long neglected comedy set..... here we go, I'll pick on myself!
 Feb 2016 Jose Gonzalez
There are pieces of you scattered throughout my room

   a pair of socks
                                                                  The stuffed animal you bought me
                                         your favorite food in my cabinet
a jacket you never took back
                                                                a pen of yours

I wonder if you will ever come retrieve them
I hope if you do, you bring back
The piece of my heart I left with you
 Feb 2016 Jose Gonzalez
My heart was broken
Shattered to pieces
and scattered on the floor

I kept inviting people over
In hopes that they
Would help me pick up the pieces
But they didn't even notice them
They just walk on top
Smashing them into smaller pieces
Until my heart became so crushed
It was ingrained in the carpet
of my tear stained room
 Feb 2016 Jose Gonzalez
I am trying so hard
don't you see
just give me a break
and cuddle with me
 Feb 2016 Jose Gonzalez
Love is different for everyone**
there is no definition that fits every situation
love can be a feeling, an action, or just a word

I should have told you
what love meant to me
before I started giving it to you
before I whispered
those words in your ear

I should have asked you
what love meant to you
before I assumed your words
meant the same as mine
and that they weren't just words
 Feb 2016 Jose Gonzalez
last night the world slipped in
quietly through my window;
police sirens, car alarms,
church bells, rainstorms
collecting in a pool
on my bedroom floor,
coffee cups clinked and
kettles boiled,
babies were born and
ashes were thrown
and though I was tired
I stayed up all night listening;
the collective madness
of the world
lulled me back to sleep
and i woke with its bitter
sweet taste on my tongue;
craving more.
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