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(C) 2/17/2016
Going to bed now :)
I wait until my glass is full
to overflowing

and then

only then

can it spill over the edge  

pouring upon the page

splashing the ink into words

that I pretend is poetry.
In a glass bottle
of cerulean blue
sent out to sea
a message for you

Floating on tides
finding it's way
across the blue ocean
are the words that I say

The bottle holds wishes
some hopes and some dreams
of which you are needing
to sew up your seams

They are sent with a kindness
and a hope for one day
you will open the bottle
and again find your way

The wishes inside
are for you to find peace
for you to let go
for your sadness to cease

The hopes are for quiet
like a balm for your soul
to find once again
a way to be whole

The dreams are of silence
to be still without sound
for a mind that will settle
and serenity found

The very last wish
is of healing and care
sent with all hope
from this Little Bear.
After receiving a message to say...
"seems kind of arrogant and patronizing, just constructive advice." I wanted to apologise for maybe coming across as both arrogant and patronising. I really hadn't intended it to be so.. I appreciate any constructive advice, but unfortunately I cannot reply as the sender has blocked me. Should you read this, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to message me.

For Bill... While I wish for you every hope for future happiness, I must also keep myself sane and whole for my children, my friends and myself. I wish you well and hope you find peace, stillness and quiet in your life again. I believe that in time, you will.
For my beautiful friends here.
I completely love you all so very much.
Thank you for all that you give me
have given me
and continue to give me
every day

You are my sunshine

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say,
everything's okay

Woke my weary head
Crawled out of my bed
and I said,
"Oh, how do I go on?"

Nothing's going right,
shadow's took the light
and I said,
"Oh, how do I go on?"

I need a little sunshine
And sometimes
I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say
everything's okay

(Everything's okay)

I gave my hope to you
When you were nearly through
And you said,
"Oh, I can't go on"

Well, now I need it back
'Cause I have got a lack of all that's good
And I can't go on

Yeah, sometimes
I just need a little sunshine
And sometimes
I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say
everything's okay

(Everything's okay, everything's okay)
(Everything's okay, everything's okay)
(Everything's okay, everything's okay)

I need a little sunshine
And sometimes
I need you

Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this messy life I made for myself
Heaven knows I need a little

Hope for a better day
A little love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say
everything's okay...

(Lyrics and song by Lenka
Everything's Okay);=PLgDe8uEpyRspK4c00w60u4hJ4u4Kk70nz&index;=3

Hope the link works
 Jan 2016 Jose Gonzalez
It used to be
when we were in a crowded room
our eyes would lock
and smiles would creep up our faces
just knowing the other was there
brought so much joy

But this time was different
you hardly glanced at me
our eyes only meeting for a second
before you turned away
no smile
not even the slightest lift
in the corners of your mouth

I can't figure out
if you wont look at me
because you don't love me
or because you still do

The only thing I know is that
it took every ounce of strength I had
not to break down in tears
the moment I left that room
Why do things have to be this way?
I lay in my bed and for the first time this week,
I have not woken to the alarm.
It's Monday and it's my day off.
And the house is quiet.
And a little thought comes to me and says
"hey, you know nobody's home right?"

Now, there is nothing that will get me out of bed quicker
than knowing nobody's home.
And with a big smile and a medium sized skip,
I go to the kitchen,
sleep disheveled and mostly naked.
I put on the kettle and let Ellie out for a ***.
And I make coffee and I run a bath and I feed the pets.
All while I am mostly naked,
Ha! nobody's home.

And I have a bath,
with the door wide open
and I sing and play with the bubbles,
blowing  them on the floor,
no body's home...
Such luxury.

You see,
my house is usually full of teenagers,
it's full of noise and cooking and computer games
and woofing and laughter
and music and...
boy smells...
So now,
I can make the house smell of my bubble bath
and my perfume
and make it smell clean.
Ahhh...Such decadence!

After my bath I dry myself and dance to music and sing,
I put on only my underwear,
but I don't care,
nobody's home
and this is all too much fun.

because nobody is home,
I turn up the music and dance with the dog,
singing so badly.
She is glad no body is home too.

there is a little space under the table,
just big enough for a hidy hole,
a perfect place to put some warm blankets
and make a me sized snuggery.
And so I do,
laying a blanket over the table and covering my nest,
I am content to just be.
I take some books and a drink and some biscuits...
for later you see...
or if I have visitors,
you must always be polite if you have visitors
and you should offer them biscuits.

But then a little voice reminds me
"you know there is some double chocolate cake in the fridge right?"
so, I take a big slice,
I mean,
it would be rude not to,
and I sit,
in my underwear,
eating cake
in my blanket fort.
No one will know and Elie won't woof me out.
Oh.. such utter indulgence!

And after a while of my misbehaving,
because I know I am,  
I think I might need to try a cigarette.
So I find the secret stash,
which is not so secret any more,
and I lay in my little blanket nook and light up.
After the first two puffs and plenty of coughing...
because I don't actually smoke,
I get the hang of it.

And I lay
quietly contemplating my life
and the world and the universe...
and how there managed to be a sweet
stuck to the underside of the table.

And during my musings it slowly dawns on me
that today is actually Tuesday...
and I am now late for work...
which means that every body is,
in fact
Meeting you today, after all these years.
Well my heart almost stopped.
I turned the corner and there you were,
with your beautiful little family.

I was stunned, they are all so beautiful... your children.
I just needed a moment to take it all in.
And that smile you gave me...
**** I didn't think it would take me back so many years...
just like that..

It must be 18.. no.. no 19 years..
You haven't changed,
not one bit..
not to me anyway.

You stood there, holding hands... so in love.
I was... I am.. so happy for you.
My first kiss... with you...was actually so perfect.
My first kiss... with you.

But you are married and happy.
Your children have their Daddy's dimples..
And their Mummy's blue eyes.
You are all so happy.. I love that.
I truly do, with all my heart.

And so as we said our goodbyes,
you looked at me.
Just for a moment too long.
I know you thought of it too, that kiss..
And I blushed.. **** it...
After all this time, you can still do that to me.

And as you walked away,
I watched you go...
I know I might never see you again.
But I will always remember my first kiss...
with you
That and your beautiful blue eyes.
My first real kiss was with a girl, we were best friends :o)
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