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Nana tells stories;
Papa reads books;
Mommy cooks me dinner;
Daddy makes me toast,
And we all joy together!

She made this up while swinging at the park, which is finally open again in our little town.
Writing this poetry, can
be a cathartic process;
it allows me to explore…
all that’s within me. By
doing so, I am able, to
uncover the inner finesse

that He has placed inside
me. Simultaneously, I am
clearly pushed outside of
my comfort level; between
sharing my work, finding
what’s in me and The Lamb’s

expectation… of my heart,
I find the experience of
writing extremely humbling
and satisfying. Hopefully,
my poetry’s quality will  
improve, as I voice Love…

from my human perspective.
Author notes
Inspired by:
Psa 2

Learn more about me and my poetry at: amazon (dot) com

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2018, All rights reserved.
As God works within my life,
He provides me the desire and
power to do what pleases Him;
when emulating Jesus Christ,

His Light shines outwardly…
from me, naturally. Arm-in-arm
with my Lord, I’m journeying
on my path; others may not see,

like or understand- what I’ve
envisioned for myself; with
His principles applied to my
life, I’m poised to thrive

in doing… what pleases Him!
Inspired by:
Phil 2:13; Matt 5:16

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2018, All rights reserved.
It’s disheartening to see
Churches that churn out a
bunch of souls… who don’t
love people. Many of them
don’t get along with other
congregants; the harmony

of Faith, is difficult to
find at times, when most
Churches tend to be more
concerned about money; if
souls are not having needs
met, then breakthroughs…

are probably not expected.
If so-called Christians are
not living victoriously, is
it realistic, that they’ll
gently nudge others… in His
direction, being unaffected

by The Word of God?
Inspired by:
John 21:15-19  and

Just love people and point them
in His direction. -Bob Goff

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2018, All rights reserved.
When you’re outside
of Christ, you risk
becoming a son… of
disobedience; pride

puffs itself up and
empty words deceive.
Without Salvation,
no one raises hands

in humility towards
a loving God; there
is no shelter, from
His wrath. Records

in Heaven above are
meticulously kept;
an impenitent heart
will keep you far…

away from eternity.
Inspired by:
Rom 1:18, 2:5; Eph 5:6  and

The real horror of being
outside of Christ is that
there is no shelter from
the wrath of God.
-Eric Alexander

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2018, All rights reserved.
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
It's so interesting,
It's beautiful and astonishing,
with so much more to it than we already know

The trees, mountains and seas are just the beginning,
what about it's creatures and it's processes,

Something impossible to understand
but do we really need to; knowing
it's way beyond our knowledge
when we can simply enjoy it and love it.

~ S.G
Nature knows how to heal herself, even humans are a part of it. It's just way beyond our understanding.
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
All is to be done
with dependence on none,
To love and support you
have no-one else but you

O you expect a lot
there's futility in thoughts of that sort,
You may help many but
do not expect in return a penny

It's all in the mind
just keep motivating from inside,
Don't wait for others to help as
none can help you the way you can do

~ S.G
21st April, 2020
'Cause even the force of the Universe helps only those who help themselves.
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
The more I get to see you, the more I want to;

The more I get to listen to your voice, the more I want to;

The more I get to talk to you, the more I want to;

The more I get to be with you, the more I want to;

The more I get to be loved by you, the more I want to;

The more I get to love you, the more I want to;
26th April, 2020
There is a law in Economics, the more you have a commodity, the less you want it but I think Love can make an exception everywhere!
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
my love,
when the lights go out,
i know you get lonely
after midnight.
when your heart spins
round and round,
here comes the revelation,
here comes the kiss
of the one
you've always wanted.
they're all yours now,
but the magic is gone
and the spell is broken.
my love,
i hope you know
that you're still
my favourite person.
when the lights go out,
when your heart
hits the ground
and you fall backwards,
here comes the revelation,
here comes the kiss
of the one
you've always wanted.
they're all yours now,
but the spark is gone
and the spell is broken.
my love,
i know you're tired,
so am i.
when the lights go out,
do you still get lonely
after midnight?
 Apr 2020 John Stevens
you only seem to love me
when you're down.
an open wound can shape
the way you feel;
just like you never want me
when i'm here,
just like you always need me
when i'm not around.

but if you think i'll run to you,
you're wrong.
a heart that's broken once
needs time to heal;
you never say you're sorry
when i'm here,
you only seem to love me
when i'm gone.
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