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stick thin,

i want to be envied by girls
not the envious.

stick thin,

i want to see my ribs bulge out of my skin.

stick thin,

i want my wrist to be as small as 7 year olds.

stick thin,

i want to be as small as my self esteem.
I crawled for loved
I crawled for people to stay back
I crawled for food to share
I crawled for things to bear
I crawled for hope in life
I crawled for smiles and care

Now no more crawling back
Let me get back and be within me
And help the ones who still crawls
To be cared and loved.
There are so many children who are unloced, who are orphans, who have every right to complain but all they do is adjust and smile!
Falling down
Going wrong
Breaking up
Getting rejected
Getting ignored
Feeling it's the end
Of life!

And taking
a step backwards
Gives a new perspective
Of what I need
and what I deserve!

After shattering
into pieces
I will take
piece by piece
To fix myself
Pieces valuable
Pieces to be removed
To fresh start
all over again.
Introspect: Change is constant but which change would come when and how it should change is what is required.
We escaped in each other
Day in and day out
For weeks, months and year
Laughter full of suprises
Cracking of jokes
Never ending night walks
And long drives accompanying
The moonlight beans
We escaped in each other
So as to forget our past
To forget all the guilt
To forget all the baggage
Which we carry otherwise!

One fine day reality struck
And we fell off
Nowhere to escape
No commitments at all
No where to escape
No more returning back
No more crossing each other's path

No more
We cooled off
Now completely off!
No more laughter
No more jokes
No more walks
Only lonely paths
To explore within ourselves
And not each other!
An unspoken love story which ended in silence with love frozen within ourselves!
 Oct 2018 John Stevens
I remember the evening
that we sat clinging
to paper cups
of coffee gone cold

over secrets spilled and memories told
two bodies cursed
with hearts grown old

behind your eyes
I found new worlds
A winding road stretched out for miles
to a small cafe at the end of the isle

Sweet pastries filled the mouths
of those who sat beside us
and stayed for a while.

How the hours went by,
people just passing through
The descending sun ending
a forever with you.
 Sep 2018 John Stevens
Poetic T
Why did you let it carry on so long,
knowing it was the corrupted wrong
                                                     of love.
Not was meant to be shown the way
it collected on a pillow of white sorrows.

What should of happened!!!
      Grabbing that toy next to you,
jagged part lunged into  a jugular
  of his regret. No sorrow only his
flooding over me..  
                            and I smile its over.

But in reality I took the beating of his
                                 inconsistent rage....
If words were weapons I'd have given
                  him two hollow points to the chest.

But I was young, innocent for so long...
                  Trauma buried till tracks bled my pain.
            Misunderstood stones swallowed in a pool
                            that I wanted to drown silently in.

I awoke years later knowing I wasn't the
                            tool of his anger, just a vessel
                                                to put pain upon.
Sorrow made me stronger than even I knew.

More than yesterday, Im stronger not weaker
than when I was innocent. I hold no jest..
The past is a reflection and mine shines brighter.
My little dear
Is that you I see running
Up a creek
Past splashes of blue
Through blends of green
In the heat of the black night
Laying out crumbs
For me to see
As the creek creaks
As you dear dares
Wandering wonderings
In a lea of clovers
You pull my fate
Two leaves of effigy
I love him
I love him not
Pluck, peel, pass
Shuck, seal, stress
Why, my little dear
Do you bob your tail
Pass the buck
Flutter those chocolates
And you love me
And you love me not
If only
If only the creek could sing
The music calming the blues
The grass is just as green on my side
And the black of the night
Had a new day
... And dawn
For us,
My little dear

Logan Robertson

I guess not.
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