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My arrow drives deeply into his neck and knees by halves

I draw the arrow out drowning him in his own blood

Shifting my aim across the bow

I curve out my knife, look at the wound

clutch it like it's me who's dying

That's the day I stopped believing in hopeless life
"The Gospel says you are more sinful and flawed than you ever dared believe, but more accepted and loved than you ever dared hope."*

Timothy Keller

"A simple mind"
Or some would say
To believe God
The Gospel way.

To think of Christ's
Redeeming blood
As "fairy tale"?
Or healing flood?

I knew it not
While in my youth
Oh! How I wish
I'd known the TRUTH!

I was in darkness,
I'll attest,
My father is
An atheist.

But I was rescued!
I received!
I heard the Gospel

I know there's naught
That can be said
To those who God
Has left for dead.

How deep depraved
And sure of death
Are those who sin
Unto last breath

How blessed are those
Who seek His face
For tho they've sinned
They're saved by Grace.

He freely held
His hand to give
He freely died
That YOU might LIVE.

That you receive
Is what I pray,
Then you will know

The Gospel Way.

(C) 9/7/2017
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23,24

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever should believe in him would not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

The gospel is simply this. Jesus was born of the ******. He had no sin. He committed no sin during his life. Therefore he was perfect in every way. The only person who could be sacrificed, and whose blood could cover our sins. The only way he could live a sinless life was because He is God himself. He was brutally beaten and crucified. For, in order for our sins to be covered, there had to be the shedding of blood. But not just any blood... Perfect blood.Then his body was *buried* (like a SEED). THEN RESURRECTED TO NEW LIFE! Jesus did this freely. As a gift to you... Eternal life through his sacrifice. And Father God gave us His Son. If you believe that he did this for you, if you believe the above scripture with your whole heart, then you are among the elect. You are justified by faith. Father God no longer sees your sin, only Jesus's shed blood that covers it. It sounds simple... Because it is. For God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.

I'm not on site very much these days. I'm studying and serving God in other ways. But I want you to know you are all in my prayers. I think of you often even though I am not here. I want you to know that.

♡♡♡ Catherine
I don’t want to play in your yard
I don’t want you to play in mine.
I know this is going to make you angry
For me that will work out just fine.
You don’t know how to play with others
And don’t know how to have any fun.
If ever there was a big doody brain
Look in a mirror because you are one.

If we don’t play the game so you win
You want to pout and whine to us all.
Too many times you have thrown big tantrums
And when you left you tried to take the ball.
Or you threw it so far away we had to run
To get it and bring it back to the game.
Every time we tried to give you a chance
Everything turned out exactly the same.

You don’t know how to play with others
And don’t know how to have any fun.
If ever there was a big doody brain
Look in a mirror because you are one.

We all believe your parents are the reason
You can’t handle the way life really is.
You’re fine as long as you are winning
You crow and brag you’re an amazing ****.
That’s not what happens in the real world;
Things do not always go your way.
So, now you have to deal with the facts.
None of us care to ask you to play.

I don’t want to play in your yard
I don’t want you to play in mine.
I know this is going to make you angry
For me that will work out fine.
 Aug 2017 James M Vines
once then a time been a morn' shine a day grown
into a full year it seems stunningly glare-ing
me into a sudden reality
it spoke commonly about
a heart and a wink a kiss a soft shoulder
on a bank of a river flowed
small animals testaments
they gathered round
for this was magical
a story of  
many textual diddy contraptions and she
was sure
me was her one
and it hearted warmed calmed me
and felt me like I needed
all surety and  conceptions with dreams
all colliding
in stardust dreams and moonbeams
with moon pies and hot coffee
and confessions
penetrations are awaiting
ears are amazing
 Aug 2017 James M Vines
Kim Lang
When is it the right time
To open the closet door
To look in on a journey paused
To risk the truth and find
Boxes taped up with angry haste
Adventures stifled within four walls

When is the right time
To sit with the papers, the moments, the times
To make the decisions
To be brave in the face of pain and find
Cherished moments stuffed haphazardly away
Flashes of beauty smothered by a storm

When is the right time
To laugh, to cry, to hate, to mourn
To acknowledge the truth
To risk the unpredictable path that leads to
A heart ready, open for healing
And a closet - with room for someone else
 Jul 2017 James M Vines
Please have faith in me
Because I am not strong as I think

Please have faith in me
Because I am constantly holding back tears to the brink

God, please have faith in me
Because I can't do this alone
And I don't know what to call home
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