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And suddenly i see the world differently,
Girls with bright smiles
and slit wrists.
Shining eyes.
Broken pasts.
Shattered beautifully.
Sharp pieces held together carefully,
walking, taking steps forward.
The pieces cutting deeper, inwards.
Fighting, battling.
Hurting, Dying.
****** struggle, Beautiful remains.
     No pain, No gain
            innit mate?
Her smoke moves like Spanish moss,
Blue-gray tendrils intertwining
Around the shining plastic beads slung low on her wrist,
As she takes another liberal sip from her Budweiser bottle
and does her best to ignore the man she came here with tonight,
he's telling the barmaid about how he got the scar on his right cheek,
And I know parts of their story,
But the thing that troubles me most
Is that I'll never know how it ends.
Love is what we know can solvate loneliness;
That it could possibly heal our souls from brokenness;
I can see your beautiful smile,
Despite this vast sight of emptiness.

Our time were meant to freeze
From distant moments of our memories.
When we sing our song with a background of the sea breeze,
They always put me to ease.

I embraced vividly the ethereal vision of our love,
The wind whispers me your name.
My eyes starts to see none,
And everything went vague.

We should try to vividly figure things out.
Let the deaf hear what you keep on trying to shout,
Let the blinded see the things we're carrying out.
Despite disabledness, let them feel what we're trying to reach out.

Love will always linger in our minds,
As if people we love also does.
Life will always be you,
And you—will always be life.

Since the day you left me out in a cold and dark place,
I will be alive in the lights
Like how I do it on stage.

Broken crystals from the past
Will forever be broken in distant vast.
Can not be fixed nor stick into one.
No tools can ever put it into place.
wordsmithing virus lyric
twisting lines empirically
like British empire builders
treating native speakers
subhuman /
reading worn cliché
daily lamenting regurgitated
form and style
while smiling at the beguiling nature
of multisyllabic structure ~
it’s easy to forget (in a legalization nation)
that the idea of utilizing parentheticals
is really
just using parenthesis  ~
creating space between the artist


is pretentiousness personified /

it is our job to play Ishmael
and take them with us
not leave them shore bound
watching the speck of sail
slip into the stratosphere ~

come with me
lend me your hand
more importantly your eyes
and an open mind ~

then we can journey
together /
your warped limbs
dance under the sway of your breath
your notched fingers
wind around the minerals of your toes
you are light
and your capillary rivers
pulse with nothing grander than life

you are an everlasting cycle of rebirth
your heart is heavy
and although you tremble
benevolence remains in your eaves

you are taken for granted
but your tidepool eyes
and mossy complexion
are the work of nothing less
than the waves of the cosmos
I stare out into a Bob Ross painted sky, drifting in and out of a black and white dream
Watching colors fade away and appear as I open my eyes, the scenes played out in front of me challenge my beliefs
I get lost in the shadows of an evil that seems to dwell, it's trapped too deep inside me to hope for anything
Like a movie playing, I can't seem to tell, which character is the most related to me
I'm an on and off switch trapped in a tornado warning of emotions I can't begin to understand
Stuck between two paralleling lines I can no longer command
I couldn't tell you how fast I'm going or if I'm even really here
And as the paint drys on my life, an unfinished product is my only fear
I am an awkward child
I do not know how
to win your fine graces
or how to fake the swagger
of knowing it all
I stutter like I'm stupid
and I quiver like I am scared
I can disappear with the
best of them
A nobody
Just a blip in the macrocosm
of life
like a tiny seed in the bed of Earth
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