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Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
Glistening light
refracted by glass
Perfectly pretty
your sunny smile
They say a smile is a woman's prettiest curve. :)
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
True love:
Loving perfectly
an imperfect person

True love:
Giving everything
For only one

True love:
I love you
I love you too...
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
When I see you down and blue
   all I want to do is hug you.

You feel like you're not worth it
   trust me, you're the ****!

I care about you and love you
   because you're a good person.

I've got your back, I mean it, you're fam
   I got you when people don't give a ****.
The title is an inside joke. ^^
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
You're feeling every brick
of your house falling down
each thud you shudder and
shake because you're scared
of all the elements you're
going to be exposed to now
that everything is collapsed.

Hold onto what you believe
you're not a bad person at all
I promise you're going to live
I promise I'm here to hold you
up through this hardship you
are going through. Embrace
the challenge and overcome.

**I believe in you.
I'm writing this to inspire my friend who's going through a difficult time in her life. I hope she knows there's still somebody that cares about her.
  Apr 2017 Jack Jenkins
i finally told him
I want to try.
with you.
I want to try, with you.
I want to be with you.
I want to be with you.
because it's been there
at the forefront of everything
Waiting to be said
okay. okay.  like a sigh--
I had been trying all night
From the moment he threatened
To drive away, standing insolently
In front of his headlights--
but he was quiet and
all i could do was smile
and say, but that's not
enough anymore, is it?

no, it's not.
but I know why it isn't,
and why this poem is
short with so very
because decisions are
yes or no, but some yes'
are too
late and
some no's
follow in suit.
(c) Brooke Otto 2017

was too late.
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
A country that the world left behind
when rubber could be made by man.
The country that slaves found home.

I love this country
that I haven't set
foot on it's soil

I want to walk it's
dusty trails into
rainforests and
hidden tribes.

I want to sing with
all the vagabonds
ragamuffins &

It's a country unknown
a frontier to discover.
A place to call home
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
We talked for the first time
in forever it seemed.
Actually talked, I mean.

I forgot how nice it was to
trust you with me.
See I lost my way with you.

We're just two battered souls
trying to scrape by.
Come fly with me, girl.
Had a talk with one of my most valued friends. We talk almost daily, but it was like last night we actually did talk for the first time in forever.
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