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It’s the way
you know every word
my heart
has always yearned to hear
and when
we rest our heads on a pillow
you whisper
them all in my ear
and when
you place my hand in yours
my soul
leaps for joy and just knows
that we’ll
soar as high as heaven
leaving this earthly world below.
It’s the way
I hear the song of angels
and how
I feel the earth move beneath me
as my head
rests upon your heart
it’s in that melody
ringing with every kiss
as our lips unwillingly part.
And as I look
deep into your eyes
I can feel my tears welling
joyful tears
full of love and grace
for the love I see dwelling.
The greatest part
of knowing love
is not just the feelings you know true
but looking
deep into another’s eyes
and seeing
love looking back at you.
You stole glimpses of me
just as i stole glimpses of you
but what i seen
in your eyes
is what sent me soaring
through the skies.
        It was in your eyes
        i seen
        all the love you have for me
        the tenderness that i felt
        touched my heart
        truly making me melt.
The warmth
the caring
the love in your eyes
i’ve never known before
i knew it then
as i know it now
i’d never find it again
throughout a thousand shores.
        It’s in your eyes i found
        amazing peace
        where my mind finds
        such blissful ease
        such a beautiful place
        your eyes lead me to
        a place where light
        casts out dark
        a place i call home
        is there in your heart.
Ever know a person
who can’t      let go of the past
    in their head it eats away
what they think      they should have.
How deeply
              words can hurt
when hardened by jealous tone
words stemmed from
       can cut deep to the bone.
The past is the past       for a reason
let it stay
where it’s meant to stay
move on
from what you think       is yours
     make way for better days.
Show happiness
for others  
even       when it’s hard to do
believe it or not
it helps you      become a better you.
You can’t change
what was never         meant to be
but you can embrace
what you have in life        but
only if you set your thoughts
       of entitlements free.
                Don’t let yourself get caught up
      in the negativity      brewing in your head
  move on and enjoy     what you have in life
                         let others do the same
focus on what tomorrow will bring instead.
There is power         in words
     and when used in kind
     can comfort and sooth
a tortured     heart, soul and mind.
   So watch     what you say
       and just how you do
for some other sharp tongue
      might just attack you.
Just a storm that’s been brewing in my heart, I often wonder if we realize that words can hurt just as much as a connecting blow…
Learn to be happy with what you have in life, not what you think you’re entitled to for thoughts of entitlement brings strife. Let it go, move on, make life better for someone else.
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
To love,
      surety sure as the sky is blue
blue as any and all warmth
           of colored skin
true as truth on the lips
             of statues
of red lipstick on a rough chin
as stronger hangs from steel
          taller skyscapes
and mountain limbs
deeper than a long call of
            an eagle soaring down
to her mate falling, falling
                  around down
down to almost crash
          but see
the seas as the blue rush crash
               on white sands beauty of
naked skin
                and hues of
sunlit scenes
                      in your bronze
brown skin your eyes,
    To love: In more brevity...
is all there is!
The die is cast to die at last
Envision the vast everlasting
We live in the past too fast
Forward-fast future impasse
Intentions to pass and repass

Elusive are the ticks of tock
That take place in the mind
Marinating for meaning
And a design to define in art
Whether it be mind or it matter
At an epoch that unlocks where life starts

Present past, future tense
Beginnings and endings
Instantaneous events
The secret of the clock
Is that it can never count
The mystery of the sands
Remains on higher ground

Wait a second, forever and a day
Columns of sand pillars wasting away
With a time well spent in thought
Immortality and perpetuity
Illusion of continuity
Momentary lapses of universal ambiguity
A collaboration with Cné. Thanks so much, my friend!
Let me lay down in the bed of poetry
you keep underneath
the soft curves of your skin
and let me sleep in
until it is time to dream again

let your smile be the sun
and the moon and the sky
forever painted black and blue
and bruised with the brush strokes  
of love lost and found
and fought for and kept

weave the magic in your pulse
into the madness of my heartbeat
and spill your words of blood and anguish
and sorrow and triumph
into the silence of the conversation
between the color and wonder
of your eyes gazing hypnotically
into the horror and the void
and monsters living
in the dark pools of mine

build bridges between
the broken pieces of me
and the stars you keep
under your skirt
and we will live in our own universe
where everything hurt
has a place to find comfort
and every comfort knows
the way back
from the place where we hurt

where dreams know that nightmares
are part of the stage and the play
and that life even in death
must always go on
and should we forget our lines
we just need to listen
to the song of the leaves
and the words in the wind

we will be the forest
and the bears and the wolfs
and the dragons and the clouds
and the fire and the howls
and the fairy and the tale
and the language we make up
as we write poetry underneath
the beds of our skin
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
When I look through
a tiny window
I can see the white planks
of the porch hanging there
fighting harsh winter blues
If I lie at the other end of the room
I can see a leafless tree
one that blossoms beautifully
in past summer days
I can also see night sky
and sometimes the bright moon
But the best thing I see
is my love sleeping
next to me
knowing his warm arms
will keep me safe
from any harm
making me feel happy
and secure and warm inside
especially as I'm not
feeling too well
because winter as
weaken my bones
and given me a chilly cold
Not well :(
For my Dean who always takes care of me x
Time out be back when I feel better x
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
wander I will
eyes to a northern star
alone, again

nine days gone of heaven's gift
a rift in the new
curtains.... show

me time, make a place
where the moon
graces my face

where a slice of life may be eternity-
a her cries in the
dark nights

bothered flames of
bedstead candle

like the breeze of a day coming
cold and shallow
as my world

come Saturday
shall make lights grow dim

but hearts fire grow
in all distance
in memories

 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
I guess
I'll go back to poetry
now that
the real thing is ending

It's hard to lose touch
when you finally found it
hard to imagine
being content
staring at computer eyes
and typing can never
replace her flesh and blood hand

yet the reality is we must part after meeting
so brief the moment
so unsweet the parting
I may write a poem full of tears
I may tear this **** keyboard apart

trying to make it all real once more
her feel her heart her love for me.
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