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 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Pagan Paul
He lays in peaceful repose upon a sheet of satin,
she moves up to his body and curls into him,
placing her head upon his unmoving chest,
unconditional grief shown in mute sadness.
She recalls his voice filled with love and affection,
his familiar scent now gone, cold and musty,
as deaths sweet perfume hangs heavy
like a drape of choking intoxicant trance.
Moments stretch blandly into minutes of ache,
the minutes career into hours of silent vigil.
And with her head upon his unmoving chest
she exhales and whimpers her final sigh,
a last breath and she submissively slips away.
Hoping, perchance, once more to hear
her masters voice.

© Pagan Paul (25/11/17)
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
Did I touch you as I left?
That night of beer and music
Almost tipsy,
laughing good-byes

Backing into blindly
I felt an arm... a moment
guide me
before I all but fall
against you
Knew that warmth
of mass was male

You exhale
I sense your being--
By accidental intimacy
I come unglued
By your flirtatious
catch of eyes
in lowered light
By faint fragrance
of whatever it is
you've drunk or used
to put yourself together

glancing down

Women always look, though
however briefly
Anyone ever been to this pub?  :D
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
(no one noticed)
hardly moves its wings
Playing the atmosphere's
Sensing lift of thermals
curling physics
with feather tips
in love...

...its own

Precursor of imagined--
tracing wind
taming flight

in the failing words of winter

in disbelief of air
2:00 AM poetry must stop!
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
in her hair I figured
all along the strands down to her bangs
I lingered along the lashes
became a vision
leaked down a cheek fell onto
her silky neck
became a molecule came into her
blood flowed down her heart
pumped me into her toes as they curled
traveled vascular
up her spine-tingling and came
smiling out the corner of her mouth
a wet spot
next to the corner of her smile
soft silky moist glistens
a mist on her breath
a bit of touch on the pillow
a dream on the next day's memory
a dream for forever
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
S Olson
We are elaborate animals made of wood
earth, flowing like water into the veins
of the sky.

The sun being a fist of lava, and the night
being an enticing molar—we are
a succession of tides, being swallowed
by successions of day; and how beautifully
we wilt in the presence of joy.

The moon may be nothing
but a luminous

and to eat the poetry of it
is how one chokes
on love

but the romance of morning
is that if by midnight
you are alive, that is joy.
Let ethereal fingers
   of my thoughts
      reach out
    like wisps
every inch of* [you]
     in a spectral
  lovers embrace.

A thousand miles
they shall reach
as I recall
      a smile
  brown eyes
      and the gentleness
        sweet touching flesh.

Let my thoughts
   return to me
     the taste
  honeyed lips
    the touch
  warm hands
   the beauty
   of our kiss
   of our love.

             Allow I feel
          within my heart
           your presence
          holding me tight
            and the warmth
                 of our
          flesh entwined
              the silent
               of night.

Embrace with me
       my love
  of flamed     memories
          of passion
      we have shared.

Yet look ahead
          with longing
               for greater
                      yet to be
within these
       beautiful moments

­                               [you]
 Nov 2017 Jasmine Hart
change to
sweet romance
to one day in the sun
all now in that one ray
that caught my glance fell
into my eye amongst millions
all brilliant and bright
like it was meant to be
away in a new game
we became the
same standing naked
in the dawn
arms open calling
I am yours
And like moments
were words
I made a wish
to the stars…

And now

Soon I will hold you close
envelop your heart
kiss your loving soul
and when the words
become so real
that we cannot stand
the electric energy
that flows...

Those moments
will be ours.. alone
with each other...

And again and again
we will meet
after dark
as the moon
yawns in awakening
and the only
light to be seen
embraces us
in a sparkling soft shade
of silver blue.

In that secret place
we will always meet
where the clouds greet
the swaying trees
sprinkling moonlight
in the shadows
as your touch
lingers on my skin
a radiant heat
melding slowly
with the
tingling warmth
your love
blankets me in.
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