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 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
Justin G
In the light
Shadows are prisoners
And prisoners we are to our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am no prisoner
I am but a listener
I guide the light
and shape
the stars
I am detailed
craftily inked
I am what links
us all

In the darkness
Our shadows are free
And we are free from our shadows
But if shadows could speak
I think they'll say

I am beyond free
I am everywhere
and omniscient
I shade what most
aren't aware of
I am the protector
The keeper
of all secrets
I am defined
by none

But if shadows could speak
will anyone still feel lonesome?
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
All those girls who want you only see you as prey. They want to conquer you. All I want, is to learn every inch of you. But you love the idea of being conquered.
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
I collect bruises like you collect girls
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
Deep Blue Ocean
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
Hold me, tenderly
Let me hear you whisper
Those three words
And turn it into my life soundtrack

Hold me, tenderly
Let me sleep on the lullabies
Of your rushing heartbeats
And the warmth within your veins

Hold me, tenderly
For I am drowning myself
Into your deep blue ocean
And the ocean is home to me
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
I am not perfect
I am selfish
And rude
And heartless
And cold
And loving someone seems like a tiresome concept to me
But oh,
How I hope you find the courage to love me
Despite those things
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
Haiku #3
 Apr 2015 IvyB Xx
Sad faces seem more
More real than happy faces
Don't you think so too?
Mind telling me what you think?
 Mar 2015 IvyB Xx
Mo Rojas
shouldn't we be more than we are now
in another plane of existence I know we must be
two lovers wrapped in crisp sheets under the rise of dawn's glow
I can almost feel the pads of my fingertips brushing your caramel chest
you're awaiting my arrival as I succumb to sleep
proudly tasting your lips in the astral realm
intertwined in the abyssal cosmos
our toes grazing the Milky Way
and for a moment I know just what your sweet flesh feels like against mine
it's all real until reality presents itself
snapping my eyes open to the grey
alone and cold
anticipating our next date in the evanescent macrocosm
 Mar 2015 IvyB Xx
Savannah Becker
Every night now I fall asleep
With no one around but the stars
I think of how unfair it is
That they get to be where you are

They get to see you and wish you goodnight 
And greet you with the rising sun
I've always simply admired the stars
Now I wish that I could be one
I've started drawing my curtains closed
Just before the sun dips away
But I've forgotten of all the plastic copies
Which over my bed hauntingly play

Squeezing my eyes closed just doesn't work
Neither do clouds in the sky
And it pains me to know that I'll never be one
No matter how hard that I try
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