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  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Jordan St Angelo
everyone's got a suggestion
everyone has a solution
but nothing helps me sleep at night
and nothing takes my pain away
ItxNotTrixh Mar 2019
is when you think youre too tired
to run anymore
but someone behind
keeps pushing you forward
until eventually
you trip
and fall off the cliff
highkey half asleep
ifk whatbim syaing.
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
Mitch Prax
Just when I thought
I hit rock bottom
I always find a way
to drill down
and find
a new
  Mar 2019 ItxNotTrixh
• You're not a burden
• It's ok to be struggling
• It's ok to tell people you're struggling
• Please tell people you're struggling
• Don't suffer in silence. Tell someone. Get help
• It's ok to need help
• The world is more beautiful because you're in it
• You are worth it
• Thank you for existing
• You're beautiful
• Please stay alive
• If you're looking for a sign not to **** yourself, this is it
• People love you
I love you
ItxNotTrixh Mar 2019
you whispered to me
your smile shining, warming me
makes me like you more
haikU? WHats thAt??

but honestly though ? it truly mesmerizes me when i find people whoare confident and content with themselves. its veRy atTrActiVe. I honestly wish i could be like that lol. ive been trying, but its kinda hard haha. which, i think, makes me appreciate the value of his words “i am happy with myself” a lot more.
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