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 Dec 2014 Star
Fish The Pig
go away
you've caught me at a bad time
not right now
I'm busy
so busy
my head is spinning
I can't hang out today
I'm busy breaking mirrors
I can't party all night long
I have to stain my bed with tears
I'd love to see a movie
But I'd rather see scars on skin
I could celebrate with you
but I'm choking on candy confetti
Why scream at a concert
when I can scream
my own self loathing and frustration
till my throat is raw
go away
I can't come out to play
I'm busy
so busy
dying and dying
and dying
 Dec 2014 Star
Ever feel haunted
by your future?
Cause I do.
Haunted by something
that has no right to a ghost
as it's not been given
LIFE or DEATH yet.
 Dec 2014 Star
They crave  immortality
What for? I cried
Don't you know?
Endless are they all.
 Dec 2014 Star
Why am I not Happy?
I live a good life.
Good Friends,
Good family,

Good everything.

I'm not hungry
I'm not worrying about my medicine
I have a roof over my head.

But why am I not happy then?

Is it because of that whispering thought
Your friends think your annoying
Your parents are tired of you
You're ugly.

And you feel even sadder.

But then that other voice pipes in.
What are you doing!?
Why are you feeling so sorry for yourself?!

And you become guilty

What are you doing?!
You have a house and clothes
Food and medicine
Stop moping around!

And you feel even worse

You start aching
When you walk
And when you breath

And you become tired.

And soon, crying is every day
You can't tell anyone
And soon you feel the worst part
Of this vicious *****

Now you're alone.
 Dec 2014 Star
Just Melz
This Knife
 Dec 2014 Star
Just Melz
And it's
Killing me
You didn't use
A knife just your
Words, but they hu
rt so much more th
an if you sliced my
Wrists up because
You've sliced my he
art into little shreds
And I'm not sure how
I'm going to put it ba
ck together this time,
but I know it will take
Awhile and through it
all I'll have to wear a pr
etty smile, like everyth
ing's ok, but we both kn
ow it's not, I'm.not at all,
but that's the price I pay
**Maybe next
Time you co
uld literally
slice my heart
from my chest
and slowly wa
tch  eme bleed
out and die, cau
se that would not
Hurt as much as
This feeling I
Have right now
But the idea of
Being without
You in any way
Hurts so much
Maybe I'll just
Use this knife
To cut away at
My own pain
Yea... It's supposed to look like a knife... Idk if it worked...
 Dec 2014 Star
Ember Evanescent

Oh, but no, no. Of course I'm fine.
After all, in this society, it is not okay to be not okay.
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