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Hugs, kisses, conventional small talk,
and the little essences of mutual respect
will not bring back the likes of the dead
but it can start the long, slow healing process,
all we can pray for is a little peace in this world
and all we can hope for is a little bit of love....
There are people in this world
that will make you whisper,  I love you
and then there are people in this world
that will make you scream, **** love....
I fall to the ground
In a family of seeds.
Lying in the soil
Nature meeting my needs

Coming to life
Through the ground I will breach
Growing so fast
To the sun I must reach

On top of my stem
A bud it did form
Soon it will open
The weathers so warm

The time has come
For me to put on a show
I'm going to bloom
And let everyone know

My color is yellow
Like a lemon so sour
Never have I been
Such a beautiful flower

I smell so sweet
A magnet to bees
Just to get a smell
Humans fall to their knees

Soon my flower fades
The show coming to an end
Please don't be sad
It's just nature my friend

Then jack frost sneaks in
Not making a sound
Freezing my body
All the way to the ground

The snow it does fall
Quietly covering everything
Such a wonderful blanket
I think I'll nap till spring
Without color we all should be born
Because of, all we do now is mourn
As untimely deaths come to our
First born
Second born
Third born
Just because of their skin color
Our brothers
It's time we lay the weapons down
We all come together
Stand altogether
To stop loss of lives because of someone's skin color
(Black skin is not a sin)

This world
Now all we do is mourn
Evokes, fear across the world
Your neighbor?
Yes, they could be that near
Watch the news
It's something new every morning
They **** with no warning
Then our world goes into mourning
It's time
They lay their weapons down
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop them from going into any town
Let us not back down

This world
Now again we are mourning
Caused by mass shootings
Because someone thought it was their duty
Not being choosy
In their shooting
Afterwards people standing behind
( the second amendment )
Of an aged constitution
It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To change the
There is no other solution

It's time
For us all to come together
Stand altogether
To stop
The pollution  
of  minds
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