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23.5k · Mar 2015
biologically yes you are..
physically, very clear
you are my*  brother  according to science

but to me you're  dead.

you treat me like ****.
to put it bluntly

emotionaly, you're not my  brother,
you're a stranger living in my house.

i used to have a  brother,
now he is nothing but a  monster.
5.1k · May 2015
gay marriage!
gay marriage is a right!
people can not help who they love
i support gay marriage

people say equal right should be supported more,
but yet dissagree with gay rights

i could not be more proud then what i am now
of my friends for being who they are!
for being comfortable being they're sexuality


i love my friends no matter what there sexuality!
it is a human right to love who you want
2.1k · Feb 2015
Just trying to help
I allways try to care, at the wrong time
I'm trying to be there, but you're stopping me

I'm just trying to help

I will offer you hugs to make you feel a little bit better, but you don't pay attention

I'm just trying to help

Why should I even bother anymore
All you do is push me down
All you do is push me aside

I'm just trying to help
2.0k · May 2015
so it is exam time again
stress is running high
that girl is aiming for an A
when that boy is barly
hitting a D

revistion notes are scattered everywhere
and when there is no more, they burn
people questioning why?

do they need to know this?
why are people who learn differently
taught the same?
and tested the same way?

why do people think it is okay to say
its not "real" stress, and that
it will be over soon
why is there so much presseure on kids who cant handle it

why do exams cause so much drama for everyone
1.8k · Feb 2015
i hate society
why do we care too much
about the way we look
about the way we talk
about the way we live

why do we bother
to help those who push us aside
to try our hardest when it isnt enough
to try and be some one we are not

we are too focused on trying to help
trying to change ourselfs
trying to be someone we are not

society has pushed people beyond the line of caring
we are now obsesing about the way we look
about how people may judge us

i hate society
1.3k · Feb 2015
Valentines day
Is that time of the year
Where love is in the air
And hearts are throbbing
There are butterfly's in your stomach

It's also that time of the year
That I would love to say
I'm single and I'm going to enjoy
A glass of red wine
On my own
919 · Feb 2015
my love for you
my love for you could never fade away
could never wash away
could never be forgotten
my heart wont let me forget you
wont let me forget what we once had
everything you done for me
everything i done for you
898 · Feb 2015
as time goes on we grow older
second by second
minute my minute
hour by hour
day by day
and yet we still take time for granted
with friends and family and we dont quite realise

people can just dissapear...forever
835 · Feb 2015
little things
little things can become big things
little problems can turn into big ones
small crushes can evolve into big ones

but my love for you has reached its limit
my eyes can not shed another tear
because if i do my heart will break into smaller pieces

big things can turn into small things
big problems can dissapear
big feelings can go

but my love for you can not go
my eyes have cried too much for goodbye
and my heart can never be fixed
727 · Mar 2015
they say french is the language of love
they say french is ****
they say french is amazing

i say fremch is boring
i say french is hard
i say french is ****

but hey thats my poinion
writen in a french writing exam...sorry not sorry
701 · Feb 2015
everyday prison cell
school is a prison
the teachers are the guards
class rooms are the cells
homework is the punishment
and i just a lonley prisoner tring to *escape
#school #prison #hell
654 · Feb 2015
rhyming poems
poems dont have to rhyme
it takes too much time
it can be fun
but i am done!
630 · Mar 2015
i hate you..but
i*  *hate you
i*  hate you
i*  h a te you
i  ha t e you
i  hat e you
i  hate y ou
i  hate yo u
i  hate yo u
*i love you
629 · Jun 2015
You left me! you left us!
A broken family
A broken home!

You walked out on your children
The people you was meant to "love"
But you didn't

598 · Feb 2015
why do i?
Why do I feel like you are slowly letting go of what we have?
Why do I feel like you're giving up us on us?
Why do I feel so ignored by you?
Why do I feel like I have to compete with her?
why do I feel like you are loosing the strong feelings you once had?
Why do I feel like our connection is failing?
Why do I feel like you're done with me?
Why do I feel like this?
Why do I feel so insecure?
Why do I feel so alone?
Why do I feel so empty with out you?
584 · Feb 2015
I'm just me, and you're like a god
You're popular, I am an outcast,

A shadow.

I could never let you know my true feelings
You would just laugh in my face

So for now, I'll stay in my room wondering why A guy like you would ever go for a girl like me
577 · Feb 2015
just another poem
Because i'm just another
Old poem to you, i'll let your mind
Rest, there is no hidden meaning
Inside this dull poem
Not a single one, but i have
Got a bunch of words that dont mean anything to you or me

In fact i find poems quite
i got bored in a science lesson and wrote this
550 · Mar 2015
friends are there for you through thick and thin
good times and old times
friends are big and bold
friends are small and quite
  friends come in different ways
and im glad i have the ones i do now
477 · Feb 2015
call me
what you like
i really do not care
i dont care
because i am a young lady
beautful in every way
and you're just a
bully with
the words
that come out of
your horrible mouth
you try to put me down
well it doesnt work, i have
friends  who
can help me
through all
the things
you may
say to
thought i would attempt making apoem in the shape of a woman
454 · Feb 2015
love at midnight
it's midnight
the air is still
the stars are bright, they reflect in your eyes
i cant take mine off you
your gazed face at the big blue moon
my gazed face at you
my heart is beating so fast
beause im here
with my love at midnight
447 · Feb 2015
The way...
The way you look at me
The way you smile
The way your laugh can change
The way you make me feel safe
The way you hug me
The way you make me smile
The way you make me feel

All the ways you make me want to be with you more and more each time I meet you
394 · Feb 2015
turns out i was wrong,
you wouldnt laugh in my face

you listend to me
you even feel the same

i still cant belive that i can call you mine

because you're popular!! and i am an outcast

i guess love can change people
part two of you>me
370 · Feb 2015
you are...
you have been there for me
thick and thin
i will be there for you
through thick and thin

you are beautiful!
not just the way you look
your soul is beautiful

you're my one of my closest friends
you're like a sister
337 · Feb 2015
I wish I had the courage to tell you how I feel
To be able to be yours without fear
Without hurting you
Loosing you

I wish the words could escape my mouth
Like most of my words to you
But some how when I'm about to
Say the critical words i freeze up
And loose my thought

You make me feel happy
Well protected
Well cared for
That's the dream isn't it?

The funny thing is you know this poem is about you...<3

— The End —