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3.1k · Dec 2021
confession #2
internetgirl Dec 2021
you'll always be
my favorite reason
to lose sleep
2.1k · Dec 2021
tellurian innocence
internetgirl Dec 2021
seven freckles
stretched across the expanse
of a mystery
when the wind would pick up
she would dance with her shadow
and her twirling reminded the moon of its celestial duties
she held the milky ways in her lungs
and the stars in her eyes
and every day as the sun bid farewell
long, dark, outstretched arms awaited her
a receding tide of centuries of patience
of forgetting
of rewriting
she asked herself often
if she was born for this world
or if it was born for her
as leaves simpered at the brief graze of her skin
and nebulas spilled from her fingertips
tellurian: of or inhabiting the earth
1.5k · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
of being okay with things
i'm not okay with
1.5k · Apr 2021
internetgirl Apr 2021
i was taking pictures of you
with flowers in your hair
and i couldn't help but notice
the way your eyes held the sunlight
like the way
1.3k · Apr 2021
internetgirl Apr 2021
these pieces of my heart
too small to pick up
too fragile to put back together
but when you hold me
i don't need to be fixed
internetgirl Jan 2022
You watch his tired eyes and matted hair
A paper coffee cup, an unfinished poem
He is inside the trappings of a panoply
Twitching a calloused finger towards discomposure
Watching as what is not there makes itself ever more present
Staring as moth wings of yearning marry the air
Letters scarce and doubt plentiful
Despondence is the new norm
The next day his seat is empty
A stranger takes his place
You watch her tired eyes and matted hair
812 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
poems are just an external manifestation of internal turmoil
760 · Nov 2021
internetgirl Nov 2021
sometimes you don't feel it happening until it's too late
and you wished you knew
so maybe you
could do something
but the truth is
it would still happen no matter what you did
so you're grateful you didn't notice
it would've just hurt more

735 · Jun 2022
internetgirl Jun 2022
do you ever just feel like you can't decide whether to scream and tear all your hair out and stab yourself in the chest or just never say a word for the rest of your life and stare at a wall unmoving

i can't decide whether to rip myself apart or sew myself together so tight i can't breathe.
578 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
i'm tired
of being tired
of being tired
of being
in general
517 · Jan 2022
new years day
internetgirl Jan 2022
but it didn't matter because
new years day
came and went and
i'm not picking up bottles with you
i'm still at the restaurant
sitting in the corner i haunt
cross legged in the dim light
they say what a sad sight
i stayed there
dust collecting in my pinned up hair
and you weren't waiting at our old spot
in the treeline by the gold clock
i know because i checked there first
and after i woke up i didn't dare move because i wanted the dream to stay with me for as long as it could
482 · Jan 2022
epiphany #1
internetgirl Jan 2022
"don't waste time"
i đť‘Žđť‘š wasted time.
438 · May 2023
to be your poet
internetgirl May 2023
i want to be a writer
i want to build you cathedrals out of
paragraphs and
catch your footfalls with my pages
you would laugh, not soft or delicate
and you would run
and i would keep turning pages
rewriting love
if you needed a change of pace

i want to be an artist
i want to crush berries against our skin
to make a color you've never seen before
you would grin and
it would stain your fingers
and you would stay
for a bit

i want to be a poet
silk falling from my tongue
in trellises and
you'd catch it and weave it around us
like a battered quilt
worn but well loved
and the words would keep us warm
374 · Oct 2021
Not my words
internetgirl Oct 2021
"you know, i can feel the fear that you carry around, and i wish there was something i could do to help you let go of it. because if you could, i don't think you'd feel so alone anymore."
from the movie "Her". Watch it, it'll change your life.
359 · Aug 2021
internetgirl Aug 2021
men will never understand being a tote bag book coffee crystals thick sweater mom jean black converse video essay phoebe bridgers leafy plant tortured artist sad poetry rainy day thrift store pining sapphic infp ****** suicides dead poet society nich meme philosophy studying pinterest scrolling internet irony loving lesbian and for that i pity them
353 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
"maybe i'm just making it up in my head"

-wishful thinking
323 · Dec 2022
internetgirl Dec 2022
is it insensitive for me to say
get your **** together
so i can love you?
i didn't write this credits go to renegade by big red machine & taylor swift
299 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
it feels like life is an inside joke
and i'm left out of it
277 · Jan 2022
epiphany #2
internetgirl Jan 2022
when did i start suppressing everything like this?
when i learned that talking about it got me nowhere
228 · Jan 2022
internetgirl Jan 2022
maybe it's not the first fall of snow
but it's just as ethereal
and it's the first time you really noticed it
that's what counts
212 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
i'm trying to make myself digestible
i'm trying to make myself easy to love
internetgirl Oct 2021
my brain broke and now my thoughts aren't coherent i've been writing a letter addressed to the fire for so long but i just can't bear to burn it i think ambivalence is going to ruin me
195 · Nov 2022
space song by beach house
internetgirl Nov 2022
i can pretend and pretend
it doesn't matter
but still
when that song plays
and i close my eyes
there is an internal montage
of your laugh
187 · Apr 2023
internetgirl Apr 2023
i just think
loving something is the best form of ownership
and ownership is the worst form of loving something.
170 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
i have surpassed my ability to forgive and forget
so i will settle with forgetting
so i do not have to forgive
159 · Jan 2022
internetgirl Jan 2022
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive but i miss you
i don't want to sound repetitive
156 · Apr 2021
for my parents
internetgirl Apr 2021
it's like the words
are heavy scissors
their weight
dragging across the floor
i hold them up
and with shaking hands
to do
to say
what i know i can't hold off any longer
can't hold on
can't be held down
i snip at the ties
that hold my us together
the strings already so thin from
years of impatience
and guarded words,
tiptoeing around unspoken thoughts.
until they
every last one

i stretch my tired arms.

do i try to piece together
the tattered remnants of something
that was once beautiful?
walk away from ribbons that had suffocated me
wound themselves tightly around my limbs
and left me gasping for air?
kept me from moving,
from learning,
from growing,
for as long as i can remember.

they leave behind
only open wounds
that will someday scab over
and leave invisible scars,
only existing
in the
linings of my heart.
135 · Oct 2021
An ode to the color Brown.
internetgirl Oct 2021
it feels like everything is so much more than what i can understand, because i'm limited to the confinement of human emotions and the experiences i have experienced, all which come together to create a lens that i view the world through, and i can't change that lense. it's like mixing together paint. once you pour something in, you can't unseparate it. it's in there forever. and if you don't like the way the color turned out, you can only add more paint, to try and change the way it looks, but you can never go back. and you have to be careful with what you put in it, because if you mix all the colors in the universe together you get brown. and that's inevitable, because you have some dark colors and some light colors, and not everything mixes together well. and there's pain and there's loss and there's sadness, but there's also joy. so that's why when you mix all the colors together, you don't get black. because of course you're not going to get complete darkness, you're going to have some pink in there, some light orange or swirling turquoise. and you can't see them, because they're all mixed together. so when you look at the color brown, you might at first see an ugly color, a color no one wants. like when you're five years old and someone asks you what your favorite color is, you say something bright and colorful. because those are the most appealing, those are the most captivating when you first look at them. but they're also just primary colors. they're the basis of everything, but they lack depth and they aren't mixed together with anything else. they lack experience. years later, when they ask you what your favorite color is, your answer has changed. you can add different hues to the mix, "sage", "pale", "royal", "deep", "earthy", etc. because sometimes there's beauty in the colors that don't pop out right away, the colors you have to look for to notice. and so later, maybe you'll look at the color brown and realize how warm it is. how rich it is. and you'll realize how many colors had to come together to create it, and even though you can't see all of them, you'll appreciate them. because they're still there.
it is often the colors that go unnoticed that make all the difference.
134 · Jan 2022
internetgirl Jan 2022
through tear stained lids
just before i let it consume me
i have a half formed thought
isn't this the type of thing you're supposed to go to your support system about?
then i remember i don't have one
128 · Nov 2022
the remembering
internetgirl Nov 2022
our playlists are a time capsule
the rest of the world was black and white
a letter
sealed with wax and twine
there is only love, and then oblivion
127 · Jan 2022
internetgirl Jan 2022
it takes me so much energy
to get to a place
that still isn't good enough
126 · Jan 2022
the real version
internetgirl Jan 2022
romeo save me i've been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head ? i don't know what to think he
knelt to the ground and said ******* i actually think you're pretty stupid and it was a joke the whole time and i'm kinda sick of you now so i'm gonna leave okay bye ****
124 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
take me to the lakes
where all the poets went to die
i don't belong
and my beloved neither do you
those windemere peaks look like the perfect place to cry
i'm setting off
but not without my muse
no not without you
source: taylor swift- the lakes
121 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
i'm on the brink of disintegration
crashing down like a fallen star
that never got wished upon
119 · Apr 2021
internetgirl Apr 2021
i swear
i'm not in love with you
but then again
you're the only voice
i want to hear in my head
internetgirl Oct 2021
Step out step out of the sun if you keep getting burned
But it’s hard when the sun is just so warm and beautiful
It tricks you
Makes it seem so inviting
So you wear black all summer like the sun doesn’t scorch
But it does
It does and eventually you’re squirming, writhing in its heat
And you’re tugging at your collar, beads of sweat breaking and all you want to do is cry
You wished you had worn something different
Cause the heat seeped into your bones till you could almost taste it
Till your skin turns red and you’re just so tired
All you want to do is sleep but there’s just no where to go so
You curl up on the sand and try not to move
Try not to be angry at the seagulls and the starfish, the tides that keep receding
Why do the tides keep receding
And you get mad at yourself for thinking about it too much cause
If you’re being honest there’s really no deeper meaning
It’s just the sun
Sometimes it's more than you think
117 · Jul 2022
minute maid
internetgirl Jul 2022
i want something real,
something unartificial
i say as i sip hydrogen and oxygen molecules
swirled in undecomposed sugar particles
and the powdery yellow dust that is sitting in a clump
at the bottom of the glass.
117 · Jan 2022
internetgirl Jan 2022
they keep telling you
but you never believe them
you're the hatchet you bury in the ground
to tired to climb out in the end
116 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
the autumn chill that picks me up
you loved the amber skies so much
long limbs and frozen swims
you'd always go past where our feet could touch
and i'd complain the whole way there
the car ride back and up the stairs
i should have asked you questions
i should have asked you how to be
asked you to write it down for me
should've kept every grocery store receipt
cause every scrap of you would be taken from me
watched as you signed your name marjorie
all your closets of backlogged dreams
and how you left them all to me
marjorie-taylor swift
108 · Dec 2021
side effects
internetgirl Dec 2021
i'm in the wake
of a storm i didn't even know happened
but suddenly i walk outside and
there is a sea of fragmented mirror
where there were once
smooth stone paths
and my favorite tree lies uprooted on it's side
like a wounded animal
it's wooden limbs torn
and the sky pities me wordlessly
almost as if it knows
i will be the only one on my hands and knees
putting time back together
because yesterday was last year
and the spaces between
the words
farther and
until i am
straining to hear sounds
that would've once made me deaf
even though
the volume is turned
all the way up.
internetgirl Jan 2022
i'm walking backwards
i'm living in a unfinished poem
i'm chasing smoke
reasons dissolving like moth wings
shards of glass live in this feeling
104 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
there is a feeling you get
when you listen to a song for the first time
one of those songs
you know will stay for a while
fold into your every thought
wrap itself around your deepest secrets
cling to your every breath.
dominoes falling
thoughts echoing
a feeling of
you know
from the first listen
it is your favorite
it is your repeat
and repeat
and repeat till
you breathe it
like it is air
that was how it felt
meeting you
you will never be unloved by me, for you are all too well entangled in my soul.
104 · Nov 2022
internetgirl Nov 2022
***** me clean like a peach pit
used and discarded
i feel like a ***** bug
you can hardly call this poetry
99 · Dec 2021
internetgirl Dec 2021
i feel as though
i've lost my novelty
people smile a little less
look away a little more
hurt a little harder
the hands on the clock
move slower and slower
and what i am most afraid of
is that they will stop altogether
and leave me
as the only echo of a ticking beat
the only proof
they ever moved at all
`will you still want me when i'm nothing new?
96 · Nov 2022
9 11
internetgirl Nov 2022
His younger brother
only 17 years old
was calling to say goodbye.
be careful; I love you
He says, I love you too.
That was it.
And both were killed
The banality of these details might overwhelm you.
What if it was me?
disappearing into
those towers collapsing with malign majesty
as cleanly as a posted letter
you are clinging to a shred of hope
snatched and anguished assertions of love
There is only love, and then oblivion
we remember
we daydream helplessly
Paying reverent homage
There is only love

— The End —