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All she was left with
was a bunch of memories
All she was left with
Shadows and the storms within

So there she was
Sobbing, weeping
and secretly waiting
for a shoulder to lean

Time doesn't seemed to care
nor did the people
Days were taken granted for
and all the voices went feeble

Looking through the window one day
she realized that the panes had turned to dust
Looking at her body lay
with mind and heart turned to rust

Clouds had gathered that night
and rain fell with all its might
Cleansing the ground - and
cleansing her mind

The smell of the earth
reminded of the fragrance of hers
sand she started searching for the old her within

Just with the silver lightning struck
a lighting in her mind
and she stood to realize

Standing up walking is real happiness
searching within gives answers
helping self is more useful!!

So, there she stood
A woman who can reach heights!!
And for her history awaits!!
You guys belong to the same place
Yet  you both go through a different phase

You guys  were brought up by the same person
Yet you don't  get along for no reason

You guys were fed with the same emotion
Yet  all you leave within is commotion

You guys look into same things
Yet what you see takes different wings

Dear Mind
Dear Heart,

I am not a battleground
where you guys can constantly fight,
Give me some peace.
Still finding ways for my mind and heart to reconcile
Sing a song for me
Yeah, that's me!!

The one who always smiles
Keeps other's worries away for miles
The one who cries and tries
To keep my sorrows within myself
Sing a son for me
Yeah, that's me!!

Sleepless are my nights
Worthless are my mights
Endless are my fights
Limitless are my sights
Sing a song for me
Yeah, thats me!!

Get my heart solace
Get my mind peace
Get myself fresh breeze
And please
Sing a song for me,
Hell yeah,
That's me!!
Dear eyes,
Stop bringing his visions,
For I'll lose my sight if you continue

Dear ears,
Stop litsening to echoes
For I'll forget to hear

Dear lips,
Stop muttering his name
For I'll run out of words

Dear hands,
Stop sketching his face
For I shall forget to write

Dear legs,
Stop walking towards him
For I shall lose my path

Dear heart,
Stop longing for him
For I'll forget others in life

Dear mind,
Stop thinking of him,
ForI shall never act..


Dear me,
Start moving on
For I have a life to live!!!!
Why would i not wash his shirt?
For all that's spread on it is dirt.

What he wore on that day
The shirt got all stories to say.

Enemies surrounded them that day
And my man was armed on guard
Bombs and bullets let free
And my man rose with a gun

The arms of his shirt stretched
For the nation and his people
Bullets in his shirt got etched
And my man fell on the ground

Why would i wash his shirt?
The same arms now stretches for me
Sure it doesn't stink
For all i get is his fragrance

Why would i wash his shirt?
Through the holes on the shirt
Is shown a world different
With all roses and smiles
Stands my man for me.

Why would i wash his shirt?
Somewhere between

Everything and nothing
Everywhere and nowhere
Presence and absence
Life and death
Light and dark
Peace and war
Thoughts and actions
Zero and Infinity

My heart!!!
Doing something
Lying somewhere
Physically present
Mentally absent
Living to die
Dying to live
Searching for the sun
Thinking to act
Counting the finite in the infinity!!!

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