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  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Sam Edwards
A dream once was had-- for two to be equal,
For this is the land of the free,
Free for you; free for me.

Often we hide our faces, as if we were the ones shamed.
Instead of standing up with another,
Repelling awful names.

Silence has a power, often more than sound.
Silence tunes your true voice,
Silence shakes the ground.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

Young students go to school, all shades of different skin.
We all threw rocks and names,
Wanting equality was their sin.

Did it matter? Their race was who they were.
A few rose voices,
Others’ silences were fists furled.

What does it matter, of what color their skin?
Here comes another battle.
Here it comes again.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

If one was gay, would he not be a being?
Should you let others mock?
Does silence stop the grieving?

No, the pain is still there, still loud.
The silence is louder.
Silence is all around.

The names, the hate, all can be repressed.
Silence is the fermata.
Silence has the stress.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

What is the solution, to this lack of sound?
Make it loud.

A word of hope, ringing upon new ears.
A word of sympathy,
Erasing all the fear.

A smile, a hug, a song, a dream,
All to be had,
All to be seen.

Shout against repression, against hate.
For we are all equal,
All the same final fate.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

Stand together, as one. Make the stand.
Stop silence, create music,
Ring it through the land.

With your words create harmony, create rhyme.
Create thirds and fifths,
Stronger than the flow of time.

Why must we stand alone? Aren’t we all brothers?
Did our ancestors fight?
Protecting our dear mother?

Hand in hand we’ll rise, voices speak as one.
Cruelness and evil gone,
Silence on the run.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

If we do not help each other, then who will assist?
Together we will rise,
Or fall together into the abyss.

Gay or straight, or be it black or white,
Whether you believe in god,
We’re all human, right?

We all feel, we all hear and see.
We can all make words,
We all breathe.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

So why must we be made different, called by our opinions or race?
Why must we be judged,
Simply by our face?

No more, I shout. No more the hate.
No more discrimination.
This is our fate.

No more injustice, social and the silence.
No more acts of anger.
No more senseless violence.

Let brothers protect brothers, let friends be friends,
For we are only human.
The same mortal end.

Let sisters love their sisters, let strangers be strangers no more.
For we are only human.
Our heart is our core.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.

I will stand alone, if that is what it takes.
I will raise my voice,
Singing with quick haste.

I will be the difference, the smile to the weak.
I will help protect,
Helping shield the meek.

I will celebrate the differences, that make you and me.
I will turn the lock,
My voice will be the key.

Soon my friends will join, creating a choir of light,
Singing against the hate,
Harmonies strike the night.

Silence will not be my tool, silence is not my friend.
I will make my voice count.
I will make this hate end.

Silence is the foe, when words need to be said.
Silence is the killer.
Silence marks the dead.
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Robert Guerrero
If your 19 and older
Your old like dirt
You refuse to be young
By refusing to have fun

Let your imagination run free
Like birds migrating or wolves on the hunt
Like lions on the prowl
Be old mentally never physically
For this is my philosophy

Never aging like peter pan
Creative not incompetent
Young never old
It's my philosophy

Live a million times in a minute
Be an astronaut
A zombie killer
Be young and wise
Not old and crippled

My philosophy is profound not proven
Run a a marathon in two seconds
The power of imagination
Makes everything possible
No can't or improbable

Vibrant, young, relentless, and wise
Even at age 89
Your young if you have fun
Dont get old and grumpy
This is my philosophy

Don't hate me for my ideas
Love me for my creativity
Because I know I'll live longer
If you decide to despise me
Your old and fragile
I'm young and agile

My philosophy made me young
I refuse to grow old
My body may age but my spirit will not
My mind is set
We'll never meet our grave, you want to bet
It's my philosophy
I wrote this because my geometry teacher is extremely boring. Sorry if it offends the older audience.
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
“Never again”
Is but a moment’s truth,
There’s always
More heart to be broken
I’m not a warrior
I’m just a soldier.

I talk too much
With little words
You speak a lot
And amuse me
Please never stop
Traveler Tim
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
It's hard to see
It's easy to hear the
We each fight our own
But why don't we walk hand in
It seems like we only
But there is so much
The light is just inside
And together we'll fly like
  May 2020 Ikimi Festus
Michael Brogan
You weren't good for me.
But like a virus, you'll never leave.

I've been thinking about you a lot lately.
I'm doing my best to remind myself of the awful things you did.
But you won't go away, no matter how hard I try

I have an ache in my heart,
like a virus,
that tells me you might have found a new man.

But I don't know. Is it simple insecurity.

I want to leave you,
But I don't want you to leave me.
Born like a kid,
Believed like a child,
Thought like a philosopher,
Depressed like a prisoner,

Felt like a sinner,
Hated like a lawyer,
Ate like a veterinarian,
Lied like a politician,

Read like a historian,
Saw like a physician,
Slept like a pharmacist,
Smelt like a scientist,

Spoke like a priest,
Heard like an economist,
Loved like a counselor,
Tasted like a rich bachelor,

Worked like a tool,
Cheated like a fool,
Walked like a diplomat,
And died like a cat.
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